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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Recently I started to experience the game shutting down on first attempt to load into any dispatching station or train on the multiplayer game. The loading screen doesnt appear, it stays black for about 10-15 seconds then shuts down to desktop. When restarting the game it works fine as usual. Then when switching to another train or dispatching station the same happens again, so first attempt black screen>desktop; second attempt fine. See log attached, its fairly reproducible for me so let me know if additional info is needed. I did verify integrity on files in Steam. SimRail_log_2024-05-27_16-21-48.txt
  2. Incoming track from Lazy 3, AI always pushing Wbl even if there is no train coming at that moment. Sometimes I would like to use it for a train in the other direction and in the absence of a Zwbl button I cant change it.. so I have a choice between suffering the ringing coming with the request or accept it and not use the track for an opposite direction train. Is there a way to make the AI less aggressive pushhing Wbl's only when a train is coming and asking for permission or just add a Zwbl button to cancel inbound locks?
  3. See the screenshot below, Im am 99% sure there was no human player at psary since server restart about 1.15h earlier. But it created some kind of unplayable situation.. I was in the 14145 but decided to try to clear it myself but it had accepted a freight train from Gora Wlodowska on Tr 1 making all the traffic go over tr 2 or wait.. all red trains are going to GW..
  4. Oh my Mr reverse train, thank you very much! thats a helpfull tip 😄
  5. I experienced a repeated crash of the game when driving 42948 on EN1 multiplayer. It happened at exactly the same spot. The logs and crashdumps are attached. The first log is from my session, the log after is created on shutdown.. it seems to try to restart the game. Locomotive: Elf/EN96-001 Train: MOJ - REG 42948 Departure: Katowice Ligota Destination: Busko-Zdrój SimRail_log_2023-06-02_16-04-43.txt SimRail_log_2023-06-02_17-07-26.txt Crash_2023-06-02_150711438.zip Crash_2023-06-02_150826831.zip
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