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Everything posted by Littlebeaver

  1. Ihr ist die GENAUE Übersetzung von SCS und SKP. Wir habe es in einen Dokument gemacht damit es hier nicht so voll wird. Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mTX8OwrmR4Ra-2Npo09nFGrM_B90uf_MC8pkfhM23JU/edit?usp=sharing Mit der Zusammenarbeit von: Cunwad, Paddy8913, Black_Moon Ps: Mit den Wort VERSCHUBFAHRSTRASSE Kann kein deutscher was anfangen.
  2. Also ich muss leider sagen das einiges Quatsch ist oder falsch. Nur zur Info.
  3. Entry Signal at Kartowice shows aspect S12 but in the UI is shows 100km/h instead 40km/h.
  4. Me and my friend discovered something similar between SWDR and the driver's Timetable.
  5. As much as i know in the HUD shows "Green = max. Vmax.", "Yellow/Orange = Vmax. Change to (Vmax =100km/h, 60km/h, 40km/h)", "Red = Stop Vmax. = 0"
  6. W28 'TRAIN RADIO-COMMUNICATION CHANNEL CHANGE' W28 signs the place of train radio-communication channel change. The new channel is defined by the number shown on the sign.
  7. While i was driving i always get the massage "-10 pts | Driving with the wrong radio channel set up (Correct channels: ) but i was in the right channel.
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