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SimRail Early Access

the810 last won the day on June 8 2024

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  1. The game looked very promising but the development has clearly stalled. In the early days we got exciting updates every month or so, nowadays we had to wait half a year for a somewhat underwhelming one which didn't even has features that were promissed to be delivered months ago. The features that are there are mildly underwhelming in delivery, i.e. the historic route has no multiplayer, and only two singleplayer scenarios (+ tutorial). How hard is it to make more scenarios? I also feel like performance is getting worse rather than better. Then there's the cab sway which used to be really great but has now been enhanced away. I'm not "angry", I got over 250 hours of gameplay for a fairly low price (on that note, I always kinda doubted sustainability of the business model behind the game) and I'm still enjoying playing it every now and then. But it certainly didn't deliver on the very high expectations I had when I started playing it.
  2. I agree with the first one, AI ignoring stops is a real problem causing lots of headaches down the route (I especially love it when I'm playing in Opoczno and Idzikowice is a bot, sending trains 10 minutes early when I don't have a platform for them, so they end up blocking the line). The second is less of an issue AFAIK. Moving the stop to previous station is okay and in some instances realistic. It's not just whether you're on time, but also status of other trains around you. In some cases it's desirable to move your stop elsewhere and it would be done IRL too.
  3. When trains are delayed - yes. But the timetable definitely shouldn't be created in a way that multiple trains are scheduled to use the same platform at the same time. That's just not how it works IRL.
  4. In general, I think bots should be more submissive to human dispatchers. It's extremely frustrating when a bot refuses to accept the only realistic option and just keeps insisting on sending a train you simply can't accept. Then the only option is to use substitute signal which leads to all sorts of other problems.
  5. Yes please. In general, more tutorials (think of it as a driving school) would be appreciated. For those of us who don't drive actual trains it's really hard to figure the stuff correctly and we're probably doing it wrong most of the time 🙂
  6. As a formerly frequent traveller on this route, I'd be very happy to see it. I'm just a bit worried that every state in Europe will do their "main routes" and we'll end up with a bunch of corridors with no local one way lines, etc. 😂 Anyway, how about expanding this to Kastrup? The bridge route would obviously be very attractive and if the map ended at the airport, you wouldn't have to go through the hassle of modelling the rather complicated Copenhagen scenery. In terms of variety, I think Kastrup would be a bit more interesting in Norrköpping (though that's exciting too!).
  7. There are arrows below the timetable that should let you switch to following/previous pages.
  8. If you open the Reddit thread, you will find out it's not. Do some staff members like to act like it is? Yes. I got screamed at for taking a pic of a train in Hidasnemethi some time ago 🙂 But that doesn't mean it's legally prohibited. In principle, you can trainspot anywhere in the EU unless there's a specific sign saying you can't (e.g. at some border stations with customs facilities, even if it's a bit dumb there too). The issue with some people trying to convince you otherwise has been present since forever, I always reply by inviting the person who claims so to call the police if they feel like I'm breaking the law.
  9. Not directly on topic, but I hope that with increased reality there will also be better tutorials, or written manual, or ideally some kind of a "driving school" scenarios. My issue with SR as it is is that it's virtually impossible to learn unless you already have the knowledge from the real world. The tutorial tells you to press this and this button to get the train moving, but doesn't really explain the inner workings of the train, or how to deal with common malfunctions. I got stuck on the line for this reason way too many times. Acceptable in Early Access, but should be solved by the final release. I'm all for realism but it should come with tools which let casual players get through the learning curve.
  10. I agree 100%. The reason why they went for a separate screen is definitely the performance but your solution with lower fps (and possibly lower resolution as well) could solve it. At least to the point where it's optional whether one uses a separate screen or keeps the CCTV in the main view.
  11. I really dislike the whole idea of "custom trains" on multiplayer maps. It's supposed to be a simulator and hence the overal timetable and composition of trains should make sense rather than having people add all kinds of nonsensical trains to it. While ad hoc trains would be a nice and realistic touch, they shouldn't be generated by user prompts but rather by the system (e.g. system would randomly select a few trains from a large pool of pre-determined routings and timings). I have the same opinion about various traffic restrictions - it's cool to have a closed track, or even a line every now and then, but it shouldn't be decided by the players, but rather by the game itself. Custom trains should only exist in singleplayer or perhaps at a dedicated server. Normal servers should remain timetabled.
  12. When driving on certain lines, trains can enter an occupied section and continue on sight doing 20 km/h. Is there any way to disable it, or instruct a train (run by bot) to not do it? I was dispatching SG today after a deadlock, which meant that I got quite a backlog of trains coming from Katowice. I managed to clear it but I never got to the point when I'd have no train in the last section - everytime when it almost happened, another train would enter it and continue 20 km/h for two kilometers, which obviously took a lot of time, so another train catched up and so on... It got very frustrating and eventually I gave up. Normal traffic flow could easily be solved by having a train wait on the red signal until the block before him clears and then continue on full speed, but I don't see how I can instruct a bot to do so. It would also be helpful if mods added more communication options with bot-run stations, for example another way to solve this issue would be to have Zawodzie send trains on the left track which was available, but there's no way to prompt the bot to do so.
  13. I don't love the idea of trains spawning out of nowhere in the "playable" area as that would look weird when you drive nearby. However, there are alternative solutions, i.e. the train could come as an AI train from somewhere beyond the map edge, then "turn off" automatically and player would then take it over in that state. I don't think Krakow will be the gamechanger (in reality many trains terminate in Katowice, but devs intentionally make them all pass through). Shunting will be though. Once shunting is implemented in MP, I imagine we'll have some trains originating / terminating within the playable area and then continuing on another train after some wait.
  14. My point is that simply remodeling the buildings still wouldn't be "what it is today in real life". For that you'd have to remodel the whole map. Plus, often these renovations don't only affect the buildings, but the track layout itself (see the Opoczno example). Having more options is of course good but keep in mind that a) those options would be developed at the expense of developing something else, perhaps more exciting, and b) having two versions of the map means splitting the already low number of players into multiple servers, making each of them less busy.
  15. It seems that they're working on fixing this because I had the opposite issue today. I was dispatching in Idzikowice where I had a southbound EC with pt to be overtaken by two Pendolinos. One of them was very late so I calculated that if I let EC depart early (after the ontime Pendolino), it will be in Olszamowice some 4 minutes before the delayed Pendolino. Win-win, no need to cause delay for EC, while at the same time it won't disrupt Pendo in any way. I dispatched it towards Opoczno which was controlled by an AI.. and the AI has decided to stop the EC there and wait for the Pendolino that was still somewhere up the line. So it's definitely not only looking at the neighbouring section in its logic.
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