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Lynn tworm

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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. Im also curious! It has been very promising so far and we dont want it to die.. So any English news on the future would be great !
  2. Are you in the discord server? There are some hotfixes circulating there which i guess will be communicated via website later. But if you want join the discord channel for the actual current information.
  3. Bedzin was already reported but also Lazy Lc has broken lights in the board. Also AI dispatch on both side dont recognize many trains that are really driving around but when you ask for a path it says the train does not exist.
  4. Without asking on CZ1, AI dispatcher Katowice send a train on track 4 with Interlock locked towards him.
  5. Are you using a VPN?
  6. Hello, I am a real life train dispatcher in the Netherlands. If needed/wanted i can translate the system to the Dutch language and/or the menu/game. As far as i can see the game is also fairly popular for people from the Netherlands. Gladly hear from you soon Greetings Xander
  7. You can see the red banner at top of the forum? The servers are experiencing troubles at the moment. They are working on a Fix 🙂
  8. Now the larger bugs are fixed we have the problem of people crashing servers on purpose either by sending trains to wrong stations/sending trains wrong way with substitute signal to lock the entrance to stations, forcing . Its becoming unplayable as dispatchers and as train drivers. To properly test and with more and more people joining the beta, without private servers we need to protect the Beta testing and prevent an overflood of people crashing the servers down. Certainly because reboot time are 3x a day so it takes a long time to restart the bugged servers.
  9. Question. Yesterday i was stuck behind an train which was abandoned. I tried to spawn inside of it. But the train lost all of his air and besides the battery and the lights on the panel the pantograph didnt want to raise either. Is there any way to get the pantograph up when the main reservoir doesnt have enough air inside?
  10. I am a train dispatcher in the Netherlands and we can use every possible route from point A to B. This due to driving as much as possible when there are defects or problems anywhere else
  11. On the windows of dispatcher is rain but outside its dry
  12. Multiple servers show platform 3 occupated but outside there is nothing to see. So i cant use the platform Wewnętrzny ticket https://git.simkol.pl/simkol/unitysim-new/-/issues/836 //uetam
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