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Bravura Lion

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Everything posted by Bravura Lion

  1. I Just wanted to post a Bug and i noticed that the upload limit is now SUPER low.. may increase that to 2 MB or something similiar..
  2. When driving in the dark, one of the Brake Gauges are barely visible. may needs adjustments.
  3. An der Stelle kündige ich schon mal an dass es für die Stellwerke in Simrail von mir Tutorials geben wird via Video. Ähnliches hab ich schon für TD2 gemacht und ich denke das ist auch für Simrail nötig.
  4. I walked around in Bedzin a bit, and I noticed that most of the houses have only a facade that you can see through. Especially in the first row, which is closest to the tracks, it looks stupid. In addition, people hover on the tracks and to the left of the signal box is the level crossing very very funny 🙂
  5. As you can see on the pictures, the powerlines are not connected. looks a bit weird. i made the photos near the bridge directly at the station.
  6. I noticed two little things in Olszamowice. One thing is that there is this road behind the dispatchers house. the cars seem to stop there and despawn. second one is the car within the gras at the little connection with the two ending tracks.
  7. Here I'm also not sure if this should be classified as a bug, but I took a closer look at the Dabrowa Gronicza station and had a look at the Huta "Bankowa" connection. There are some unattractive scenery bugs there (see pictures)
  8. Hello team and community, I have now had enough time to try out Simrail as a dispatcher as well as a driver. Accordingly, I have reported here most of what I noticed as a bug or suggestions of what could be improved. That's also what the whole community has been doing, testing the game. Overall you can say that Simrail has a solid base and can be a game with a lot of potential, but there are still some teething problems that need to be solved before the release. It would be really bad to release Simrail without fixing the most important bugs, otherwise it would hurt the reputation of the game. At this point it should be said that the team is working very actively to solve the problems but there are things where I would say that would be a MUST FIX before the game comes out: 1. the dispatcher AI: The dispatcher AI really needs to be reworked. Regardless of the station, the AI needs to be able to handle the trains,Regardless if they were routed wrong etc. maybe for example the trains are getting deleted or something similar. Another case would be when the AI has to turn around etc. The forum is full of examples. Overall, the topic has already been discussed enough here in the forum and the developers are on it. At this point already my first concern: We currently see only a part of the route, how is it with the other stations? Are the fixes of the AI global or on the stations? @Devs this would be for you to say how you see it with the AI adjustments and how that affects the rest of the route. 2. introduction for new players: It definitely needs a tutorial for the drivers and for the dispatchers. I have already seen that there are driver only servers, but the game does not take the player by the hand and shows you what to do. If not already planned, I would suggest an interactive tutorial where the drivers or dispatchers are instructed. This should be accompanied by a wiki that goes into more detail. I have seen that you at least work with the stations with degrees of difficulty, perhaps it would be worth considering to introduce a level system similar to TD2 so that dispatchers without experience do not take over a large station and do not know how to handle it. Furthermore I think it would be good to make guides for the individual stations AND station types. Maybe you can build something similar to an academy here where players can learn the station and more? Also here @Dev your feedback asked how you want to deal with it. 3. the userinterface The interface certainly needs some work and it should be more understandable for the driver as well as the dispatcher. Here we have already seen improvements within the playtest and I think this will be adapted accordingly. 4. summary At the moment I see it very sportive to release Simrail at the beginning of january. The team should think about if they really can fix the most important things until the release and then release the game to the public. I think we should really test all parts of Simrail in the playtest (editor, singeplayer and co) and clean up the roughest things before a release is aimed. I guess that early February would be more likely than early January. Better to let time than to publish a game in a hurry which could lead to frustration. This is of course also an estimation of the team of Simrail as they see the progress in bugfixing and adjustments.
  9. Just as an example. the same thing works in psary.
  10. I'm not sure if this should effectively be considered a bug or not, but in Knapowka there is a road behind the signal box. Every second vehicle tries to enter the parking lot from the signal box and then disappears. The others drive to the end of the road and disappear. Maybe this road should be drawn further so that you don't see the disappearance of the cars. It's just a small detail but I thought I'd report it.
  11. Korrektur zu dem ganzen: Rot Blinkend heisst der Fahrdienstleiter hat die Fahrstrasse gestellt und das Ausfahrsignal für den Zug steht auf Fahrt. Sobald der Zug über das Ausfahrsignal gefahren ist, wird der Pfeil durchgehend rot und heisst für dich als FDL dass der Zug losgefahren ist. Das muss aber nicht weiter bestätigt werden.
  12. i have been at station where that is possible. for large stations, this is actually very helpful and saves time.
  13. I was wondering why I can not select any end signal in the current version of the SCS and he puts the route accordingly. Now you always have to make intermediate steps so that you get here the desired route. In the picture I have an example I would like to click at 1 and at 2 then trigger the route.
  14. Just to add something to this: My games always freezes for a micro second in the EU07 when i move the brake. CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700KF CPU @ 3.80GHz Windows 11 (64 Bit) NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 32GB RAM
  15. ah okay found the answer. you have a second page in the timetable and there the timetables continue.. why is is splitted in this station?
  16. At the station Sosnowiec Glowny there are trains that have Sosnowiec Glowny as the next stop, i.e. the station where I am now. But in the timetable it says that the train goes further. Which connection does the train have to get to? I have only Sosn. Poludniowy, Katowice and Bedzin.
  17. I just opened Sosnowiec Glowny and at the Connection Sosn. Poludniowy were several trains who where stuck. probably an ai issue there? Also there was the train 42924, is it somehow possible to tell the ai driver that he needs to switch cabs?
  18. I was in Katowice today and wanted to work there as a dispatcher. I saw that the tracks in the direction of "Myslowice LK" were reported as occupied although there was no train. I tried to reset the detectors with ZLO and ZLOP. The color changed to dark red but remained. Is it supposed to be like that? When I later sent a train with SZ in this direction, the detector went back to grey as soon as the train passed over it. However, I was then turned off the server and when I was back in the interlocking, the same sections were blocked again.
  19. So I have tried that with the call: This works wonderfully and only the station I called hears me and that without me having to press the button for push to talk, just like in the real call. Today I was in Knapowka and wanted to call Psary via the speed dial button and pressed the microphone. At the same time I pressed the Push to Talk button and Wloszczowa heard me. Do I just have to press the microphone button like in the picture with the Push to Talk button? Psary has never answered me at this point, so I do not know what came through.
  20. I was Driving the Train 14127 today and was standing infront of a red signal. the entry for the station Knapowka. i was waiting for about 5 Minutes and nothing happened. i then logged in into the station and saw that the AI was doing nothing. on the left was a train and my train on the right. i fixed it temporarly and gave both trains their route so that the journey can continue.. maybe also an ai issue which needs to be fixed.
  21. Unfortunately, at the moment you can't see which type of signalbox you get. At the moment SCS and SPK are marked under the same type. I think this should be defined more precisely or a picture of the control panel should be shown in the pictures so that you know what you are dealing with.
  22. Hello all, How exactly can I talk to the drivers in my station? Do I just have to press Push to Talk and all the drivers nearby will hear me or do I have to do something special on the phone? I've already tried entering the train number and picking up the phone, but nothing happens.
  23. I drove today for the first time with the Traxx and have made myself the hotkeys for the cruise control. I noticed that the control is very spongy. Sometimes the cruise control jumps from 100 to directly 30 or from 40 to 140 if you click only once on increase with the hotkey or decrease. in addition, you can hardly make fine adjustments in small steps: if you want to go from 25kmh to 20 then it is hardly possible because he makes much larger steps down or up. Also can it be that there is no hotkey for the wipers? i always have to stand up to make adjustments to the wiper settings as i didnt found the hotkey in the settings and when you are sitting, you cant reach the wiper controls
  24. on the other hand, it would be good if they improve the AI there, because when the game finally comes out, the AI has to work when there is no dispatcher manning the station.
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