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Everything posted by achurchner

  1. regardless of the resolution i still get errors. this time with an error message, see attachment (This was as a dispatcher, but i guess its a problem with GFN and not the playing mode.) It was on the EN1 server a few seconds ago. And additionally another short video of the error. p.s. I'm not sure where to post, as it is a GFN problem not a multiplayer or singleplayer specific problem Error Regio.mp4
  2. It seem sto be a problem in the Sosnowiec area. I also experience this while on multiplayer even as dispatcher but only in the two Sosnowiec stations. sometimes a short error pop up (last time it was a memory violation error). I will try the resolution size and report back.
  3. The game closes randomly while playing on GeForce Now (priority tier) after ~20 min of driving with a error message that pops up for a few milliseconds (too short to read anything). It is independent of the train I'm using or the area of the map I'm currently at. (same problem exists in multiplayer)
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