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Everything posted by verylowrez

  1. pls devs let me make a cup of tea on the little stove in the eu07
  2. oh!! Yeah I wonder how much the tunnel impacts this. That's so interesting. Maybe I'll have a look at the tunnel specs and capacity. oh gosh this is incredible -- thank you! your points are about priority are also well taken; I'll start taking a closer look at how different systems privilege different traffic! Those freight 'dwell time' makes a lot more sense to me -- I'm probably just surprised about the passenger dwell time because this differs from my own experience, and I wondered why (but I've experienced far too few lines in the world🙂) I think some of the basic logic is starting to come together for me now -- and that spreadsheet will help me see so much about how the different lines interact! thanks so much. I've lived in the US NE Corridor my whole life. Metro-North, which I've ridden quite a bit, seems to mitigate its habitual issues by running the trains very slowly for long intervals -- but maybe that's because there is just less track and/or functioning sidings? I believe I've heard about old sidings no longer functioning on several lines, and especially some big debates over Acela getting priority (that's the expensive express train). but the city stations along the route do seem to have plenty of sidings and platforms... could be so many things, i suppose. Maybe I'll have a look and compare the two systems to see why my experience are so different. It could even be (probably is) just a different system philosophy -- but then I'd wonder why Metro-North sees this as more efficient in its context (and then understand what infrastructure would be necessary to make improve it). thanks all!
  3. might be a basic question -- but why are there "layovers" (minutes long wait periods) at some stations? e.g. Warszawa Zachodnia in the EU07 does anyone know what (if any) real world dynamics are being simulated here? basically -- why am I waiting at that station for ten minutes? (not a complaint; i enjoy the immersion) (will also accept replies which are just eu07 content please thank you)
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