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Everything posted by dis0nored

  1. When i went to check it out at the depot, it was not there but I brought this one. I did a tutorial and saw it in the scenario section.
  2. I also noticed the timetable light and the timetable does not show on the clip board
  3. The tutorial also forces cold and dark mode on the locomotive should you accidentally run a red light for a reason. The tutorial does walk you through everything but I am not sure if its intentional or not.
  4. I also noticed that the narrator's voice instruction repeats the same line too many times, this is not quite right. It would make sense if the text remained on the screen. Can this be looked into?
  5. I wanted to suggest to a way to introduce a PKP SP45 246 diesel locomotive. This one in the photo is a PKP SP45 246 on the way to Poznan near the village of Trzebaw, Poland. The photo was taken in 1991. The route would most likely be part of the Ponzan Railway but I am not entirely familiar what is near Ponzan. ET22's are also seen around so they could both be present. The diesel could travel in unique country side locations.
  6. I finnaly got the Cargo Pack DLC and I was looking forward to the tutorial and learning the systems but I came to see a headache instead. The tutorial runs fine however there are a few issues that I encountered. Firstly why is there a weird person in the cabin that does not look like a train driver at all. Secondly the main part of this report is the behaviour of the tutorial. The narrator's voice tends to repeat the same scentence over and over again, it should not repeat as it can get really annoying. The next problem i've encountered was during the driving, the tutorial was at the point where you apply power and the locomotive was approaching the station to pick up passangers red signal but the tutorial kept telling me to apply power and would not go past that tutorial point. The tutorial became "soft locked" at that point and could not progress further. SimRail_log_2024-07-03_10-55-18.txt
  7. Hi there, I want to report that you made a logical error for the EN57 tutorial which has the potential to "soft lock" the game preventing the player from progressing. The issue detected lies when you have to press the " Close main switch button" instruction point. If you do that, nothing happens and you are then probably wondering is my game missing files? No it is not. I have already tried that myself. The issue is the game tutorial does not explain to the player to move the reverser in Neutral. If you do that, the narrated voice will tell you to put it in forward position to continue but this is incorrect. I only just learned this now. I could not attempt to do this tutorial because of this. I hope the developers can correct this error. Thank you for your continuous work!
  8. Thank you very much for this. I thought i was going insane. I also discovered to unlock FPS limiter, the vsync must be disabled.
  9. I am all up for cab sway, there's never such thing as a smooth ride on a train even as a passanger. These are old old old beasts, they are meant to be wild.
  10. This is where I am unable to prgress, the switch here when i apply it. Nothing happens
  11. Hello, I am trying to see what I can do again to enable a smooth or good performace during gameplay as currrently It's not playable very much. I am trying to run through a tutorial with the new "metro" train and every second is stutter and lag. FPS limiter seems to be missing from the game's graphics menu for me, I am not sure why. Secondly the new metro train, EN. There appears to be an issue with progression due to beeing unable to go past closing the relay switch after waiting for the voltage to appear. I click on the switch "close relay switch" and nothing happens. Maybe I mis-understood the instructions? Question: What graphic settings do you have to show the wooden/retro interior for this EMU unit shiny/glossy. I am not able to see this on my end.
  12. When I hear trains even in the station, one notable feature is the echo produced by the horn blast. It's heard for about half kilometer. Nice echoing. However If you were to activate the horn in a tunnel, a very dramatic increase would be present as the sound hits the concrete and has nowhere to go except bounce back, so use it wisely.
  13. I enjoyed the humor with your imput. Thanks, I could go even more about it but it's not suitable for this forum, the humor would be quite dark.
  14. When the development progresses sufficiently, or even now.....the suggestion focuses on making the enviroment more intresting by populating rail yards or places around the main travel sections with stationary locomotives, wagons (either freight or passanger) which can add a really nice touch to each drive. Eventually focusing on taking solo locomotives from their parking location and connecting to the train for the day to add more flavour to the train operations. Keep in mind this change would have to be logical as putting objects in the wrong places may cause problems as well. This is probably a long term goal.
  15. Well I can see it from your view point no doubt. I have my favorites and not so favorites much like others. It's a tricky one. I do support the idea of restrictions on politicaly motivated avatars with reasonable application. It can also prevent however like minded people becoming friends quicker but it can can also go the other way no doubt. The best solution could be to simply introduce a system where you are given an avatar and you are not able to upload anything. So all the power is given to the forum administrator where in hope he has thought of everything for the task. It seems like people here have to connect via steam login to acess the forum, you may want to modify this rule and say, the forum user is now assigned an avatar and you have these options for now. So the forum would overwrite steam's avatar currrently displayed. it could help to bring some sort of stability in the problem possibly
  16. I see, so there was confusion. Thanks for clarification!
  17. If you are scared of an avatar, remember to check your sanity. it's just a small photo on a computer screen, it cannot hurt you physically. You can move on. Avatars are even smaller than proper full blown pictures, they might have an impact, but an avatar can't do anything.
  18. Maybe it could apply only to the EU07 and the old style coaches. And exclude everyone else?
  19. When it's possible to switch to passanger camera option by main carrige door, a bit of a gap line i seen here which shows you the outside of the object. It's worth looking into.
  20. When we switch to passanger views, it would be nice to open or close windows or sliding doors or even the carrige's main door. Sometimes people like to open it for some reason. I witnesssed it alot when traveling in romania. It happend generally 1km away from the station. the way it worked is the door was opened and then after departure it would be closed again. edit1: I just wanted to add, if the development team is clever it could go about this two ways. You can program the AI to basically open doors, windows on the carrige they are currently occupying so you still continue with the current method of cameraviews. This way if the passanger may want to get "fresh air" they could. Opening the windows or doors on the carrige connected to the outside should also take into account the volume will increase and the noise will be more noticable.
  21. First off, do you think it makes sense to have an optional tutorial with the EU07 to enjoy having cargo freight instead of passanger? Also what about scenarios with this locomotive transporting cargo.
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  22. I have traveld through a tunnel and the lights inside the cabin are meant to help you see in the eternal darkness that came upon you when you entered a tunnel. That does not appear to be the case. The cabin is not affected by the darkness of the tunnel which also it is not pitch black at all, there is still very good visiblity inside. I edited the title to daytime/afternoon driving as this is where I have experienced the issue. I don't know about nighttime driving in regards to this.
  23. When I traveled to the black sea from Oradea during my childhood in Romania, one of the pleasures of the trip was listening to the wagons sing as they moved across the rails. For some reason I feel inclinded to discuss and suggest to experiment with the idea of replacing the sounds of the passanger wagons which are pulled by EP07 with the sounds (all) from the blue gondolas which carry coal. Basically this is how i remember the wagons sounded, they were exactly the same as yours in the game. If you do end up doing it, can you post a video of them in action traveling from one station to another station and stopping?
  24. Hello, I would like to request a revision of where the player spawns during tutorials for example let's take the EP07 tutorial. In it, you spawn on the tracks, generally speaking from a workplace health and safety aspect it is promoting dangerous and irresposible practices, so you should move the spawn point somewhere better. My suggestion would be on the surface of concrete in front of the blue light by the red switches or red leaver things. If this was helpfull, try to get more opinions from others to see if the spawn points elsewhere are OK or not so much...
  25. That's intresting, thanks for the info. Very glad on that
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