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Everything posted by dis0nored

  1. During my travels in Romania from Bihor to Constansa when i was young I recall in some of the major stations, the train started small and then more wagons were added to it but also one particular practice i recall was that i heard a hammer beeing tapped against the wheel? So what's the theory behind it? There is a job of a Wheeltapper. A wheeltapper is a railway worker employed to check the structural integrity of train wheels and that axle boxes are not overheating. Hammering of metals to identify internal flaws, by observing the different types of emitted sounds, is a very rudimentary method. In Simrail, the feature would add a "wheel tapper" where if the train is at the station for more than 1 minute, he would do a random inspection, you would hear him tapping at random carriges and maybe see him do it as well. What do the images explain? The red locomotive: A wheeltapper signing off after checking the wheels of a train at Budapest-Keleti railway station in 2014. He has placed his long hammer on the train's buffers The orange man: A wheeltapper's hammer with the rings. The man walking by passanger carriges on dirt foothpath: A wheeltapper at work on the Bulgarian railway in 2009.
  2. Your ET22 locomotive's horn blasts are heard a few, very few meters in front and it is only heard when facing the locomotive. in other train simulators, the horn blasts are heard at a 360 degree and from at least a kilometer away which makes it a joy to blast the horn avalible
  3. There is a gameplay issue where with any tutorial, the narrator repeats the same line too many times. You should increase the timer so its mentioned once and text should dissapear as well because the items are highlighted which is sufficient.
  4. I would like to propose a development colaboration between Simrail dev and TrainSim Romania dev in regards to re-working or green light for a alternative passanger wagon car sound set based on the ones in Romania. These are pretty much identical to the ones you have here just diffrent operator. Bellow is a 3hr video with a trip from Bucharest Nord to Brasov in romania, TS2024. Fortunatly TS2024 is a boogaloo in regards to 3rd party DLC so I gave up on it. You can also reach out to https://train-motion.com/ The main problem with Romanian 3rd Party DLC for Train Sim 2024 is the cost. I was looking at a freeware route and then i was looking at the dependacies. The cost of the dependecies is 240 euro. Again I have no idea why romanian developers are so cruel finacially. So as a Romanian overseas my idea is to have the wagons sounds like these because they are practically the same but as mentioned diffrent operator. Nobody in their right mind woul spend 240 euros on DLC just to make one route work properly.
  5. See if a colaboration between Simrail Dev and Derail Valey dev for steam. DV dev is very deterimend on optimisation and performance and their steam looks good. See how they went about it.
  6. Well in the history of train simulation SimRail is the first of it's kind to require a 16gb vram graphics card which is something i have right now. It's a valid point. Tho there is mention here and there the development team is aiming to optimise the game more. However its not really something that has a set date. It's a tough spot to be in.
  7. oh glorious steam! steam heating would be very exciting to see in this game, especially for the old wagon types you have just introduced recently in the full release. It would look something like this. The passangers are cold and they need heating now.
  8. The feature to explore the passanger wagons in depot would be very good. You can appply the same principle as with the enter of locomotive cabin. You have done a good job with the new old wagons. I would love to walk around and have a seat, open a window even.
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  9. The Ty2 steam locomotive seems to have a very un-balanced sound system present. If you want to hear the chuffs and the locomotive working on the external view, you can only do that at the very front of the steamer. if you focus on the camera further down towards the cabin, the working sounds and chuffs are basically silent (in external view still). If you focus on the wheels, they are also too quiet. If you are the very rear of the steam engine the sounds are drowned by the wagons. The interior sound is very powerfull, just a little too powerfull.
  10. I agree, It's an overlooked topic. When I travled to the black sea in Rumania, I always listened to the breaks. They used the entire train's breaks each time, all the wagons. And it was a soft gradual breaking each time, they avoided prolong use of them, train stopped right where it needs to. Often sometimes the breaks were left on as it was within the station platform.
  11. Here we have a nice example of freedom on the rails through a diesel locomotive. This example covers the SU46 029 and it is against the backdrop of the village of Poland. It was taken in 2022. That there also is a hint on route as well. Plus we cannot forget the classic tanker cars.
  12. I am very curious what am i looking at here. This locomotive appears to be older than the current one we have in the simulator.
  13. I was looking at the rain droplets on the windows and they aren't quite the most realistic in behaviour, other sims that "got it right" form what I can tell is SCS Software's Truck simulators, DTG's Train Simulator Classic and Derail Valley "The Simulator". It's not urgent to look at but would be good to. Top sim that did raise an eye brow with rain effects and droplets does actually go to Derail Valley by Alt Future. Worth looking at that for reference or ideas.
  14. These vidoes are so fantastic. It's pure pleasure.....
  15. they are almost extinct yes, but not forgotten. There also double decker coaches two that would also fall into this box. We are thinking of them as well and hope to see them one day. There is intrest in the whole thing.
  16. Electricity is not a boring thing at all, it sparks, arches, there are various colors, it's bright and it can illuminate the area really well. The suggestion focuses on introduction of electricity "playing up" during certain conditions. For example in winter, the overhead wires ice up and due to high voltage you may see the pantograph and wires fighting with each other often. In the rain same thing, you have high voltage and wires and water, there will probably be something said about it. The first part of the phenomenon is basic physics. Air can only contain a certain amount of water, and when temperature goes down, the relative humidity in the air will rise (but the amount of water will not change). When reaching 100% humidity, the air can't keep any additional water - tiny water drops will form and eventually land on any surface. If this surface is cold (below 0°C), the water will of course turn into ice. So the entire power cable will be covered in a thin ice layer. On to the second part - when the train pickup tries to get contact with the cable (to power the train), the connection will be poor. This part is not really within my field, so I would rather not try to explain the physics going on. Bellow is your steam achivement challenge once this feature is in the game, can you create an electric arc using the new system?
  17. I noticed for the ET22 especially it's horn tones, high and low are drowned by the freight wagons. In general the horn on this locomotive has been suppressed greatly. For the freight wagons, the all familiar rail joint sounds which take place when the wheel travel of joining rails have also been heavily supressed. When i wait for the train in real life both types of sounds can be heard from 1km away roughly. In the game you must zoom in to the closest possible way to hear somewhat normal strenght in volume.
  18. In order to be able to read the the text or images on the locomotive or objects the only setting that would work here is full texture resolution. If you happen to choose options such as 1/4 or 1/2, etc. then everything is very blurry and un-readable. The FPS does increase. With FTR enabled, the game's visuals are brought to a standard but not overly fancy graphics, but everything is noted, every object can clearly be seen to be unique which is good. in Train Sim world FTR does not affect FPS this badly. Currently with FTR there a bit of jerking movement in the camera but since the latest patch that was better. Is it simply optimisation issue or something else? What can you think of.
  19. The locomotive depot appears to be a very large warehouse where you can admire your very own locomotive of choice and step inside. However it is quite basic at this time, some extra features would be great to bring in. I personally woud like to be able to "get up the seat" and walk inside the locomotive. The locomotive depo is quite limited on where you can walk, I would personally love to have these restrictions removed so you can wonder off inside. The depot would be a good place to activate limited features on the locomotive but not drive it away. It would be a very cool place to test some systems out and let the mechanisms "sing" for us, such as air compressors, etc. You could also walk under the locomotive but it appears to be restricted as well. The game speaks about the wheel condition and the stripes on the wheels. You as a train driver could perform inspection of the exterior of the locomotive and maybe ask the engineer team to replace the part but you can simple do the inspection and look. This feature was present in "Take on Helicopters" it follows a similar gameplay.
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  20. Is there a way to add these to the game? the classic blue is what i grew up with. I always went for long train rides in these.
  21. I may be wrong here but I have not yet seen blue passanger wagons. They would look extremely eye watering along with the EU07. And if weathering and rust patches could be applied it would be even more eye watering.
  22. It would ideal to have engine room cameras now added to the ET22 whilst in the Locomotive Depot to check out the hardware in more detail.
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  23. Is there any operators that purchased one of the CFR class 40 electric locomotives? if so please bring it over here. It would not dissapoint. Very famous among Eastern European train spotters.
  24. Ah my apologies. It is not missing. It is under 201E sub category however the search function does not pick it up if you type ET22.
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