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[EN]: Having ETCS just around the corner in the next major update, I decided it'd be a good idea to make a communtiy effort of creating a ETCS Handbook of sorts, giving a bit more insight for getting started with operating in ETCS. These documents have been created using the German rules of ETCS operation but should apply to any other country's rules as well. Mind you, the update is not released yet and therefore I don't know what the specifics of the implementation in SimRail look like. I might update with the specifics to the SimRail operation once the Update has been released. ETCS EN.zip [DE]: Da die ETCS Implementation nun mit dem nächsten großen Update integriert wird, habe ich grundlegendes zu ETCS zu einem Handbuch zusammengefasst. Die Dokumente wurden den ETCS Regelungen in Deutschland nachempfunden, sollten aber für andere Länder analog gelten. Das SimRail update wurde noch nicht veröffentlicht, sollten sich nach der Veröffentlichung unterschiede zur Umsetzung in SimRail ergeben, werde ich diese einarbeiten. ETCS DE.zip
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What I meant was the modes, Full Supervision, Staff Responsible, Shunting, Trip, Post Trip, etc. which is the mode of supervision (or not-supervision 😄) the ETCS computer provides. Therefore would be a good indication as to how in-depth the implementation of ETCS into SR would become. I believe PL only has routes up to Level 2 anyway.
Swäntai started following Route mirror display for signallers , General situation on ETCS? and [EN / DE] SimRail Reshade
Are there any updates on ETCS? SimRail team is working on it, but obviously with no real timeline to give (as the ETCS-System on the route Warszawa-Katowice isn't even in operation IRL until late 2023 as far as I know). Also the only vehicles to be able to make use of the ETCS-System that are currently in the game would be the ED250 and the Traxx (where the Traxx will only have L0 available, so I personally wouldn't reaaally call that ETCS integration). So apparently internally there is already a system finished to simulate ETCS in SimRail, just not implemented in a version ready for shipping to public yet. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on that though. So I'd like to ask if anyone (maybe from the SimRail team 😇) could at this stage, or maybe later on, shed some light on which ETCS-Modes will be implemented (!) how ETCS interacts with polish national signalling, for example substitute signals (Sz). Will it require a change to mode OS in that case? will the interaction with the ETCS equipment also be available in english for foreign players (PKP Ir-1a §3 (8): "All communication in the ERTMS/ETCS Level 1 system is in Polish.") will there be tutorials or a Manual for different situations and specifics like ETCS-Modes or the Override function for example. Maybe someone else from the communty has got some more questions I didn't think of. I'm stoked for ETCS in SimRail and as there wasn't much talk about it yet I think many of us, just as me, would like to know what extend of it's simulation we can expect in SR 🙂
Schrankenwärter Häußchen besetzt?
Swäntai replied to Major_TOM_Sr's topic in Allgemeine Diskussion [DE]
Bestes Beispiel München-Fasanerie bei Moosach. Ist seit August (!) letztem Jahr ein Schrankenposten im Einsatz weil ein Rentner mit seinem Auto unergründlicherweise durch erste und zweite Schranke gerast ist. Grade letzte Woche einen im silbernen Skoda gehabt der schön gemeint hat er kommt bei Blinkanlage noch rüber... Stand dann im Stau mitten auf dem Bü. Selber Schuld, der hat dann schön die Halbschranke auf die Windschutzscheibe bekommen. 🤦♂️ Versteh irgendwie nicht, wie man sein Leben für 2min Zeitersparnis aufs Spiel setzten kann... -
How to talk to dispatch
Swäntai replied to SpeedyRetreat's topic in General Discussion [Multiplayer]
Quick question, maybe a little off-topic, but is the route in real life also only equipped with analogue radio instead of GSM-R? Or is that a early access thing that SimRail implemented this way for simplicity' sake? -
simrail - the railway simulator joystick button einstellen
Swäntai replied to cruela's topic in Allgemeine Diskussion [DE]
Ohne RailDriver Unterstützung seh ich da schwarz, Achsen einbinden zu können. Soll aber auf jeden fall in Zukunft kommen, RailDriver Support und "Home-Cockpit style input/output" ist zumindest schonmal für die Zukunft geplant: -
Route mirror display for signallers
Swäntai replied to Swäntai's topic in Suggestions for improvements [Multiplayer]
The new EDR Timetable already is a blessing and a great upgrade to the old version but a graphical feedback would be the cherry on the top to be added. Judging by the fact that the game itself already exactly knows where the train is (it already knows what the trains next signal is, hence in which block or track it is) I still have hope that some day we'll get that sort of graphical track mirror. Doesn't have to be extremely precise, just at which block/track the train currently is located on the displayed part route network. Maybe someone who actually works with PKP could tell us a bit more about what the system they're using in real life actually looks like? 🙂 -
Alright yeah that one is for general questions about ReShade as far as I can see, but good to have it linked here. I made this one to share a Preset particularly 🙂.
ReShade works just fine for me. Latest version v5.7.0 with DirectX 10/11/12 API in the installation, no problem.
[EN] First of all, feel free to share your own presets in this thread and maybe we can get a collection going. If possible with Before/After screenshots as below. I'm gonna share my ReShade Preset here which I've been using over the past few weeks. The main focus of this preset is a bit of Vibrance (most present in the morning and evening) as well as clarity and sharpness which is most notable when looking down the tracks or far away objects. I believe the default shading feels a bit too washed-out. [DE] Vorab, teilt gerne eure eigenen ReShade profile in diesem thread, vielleicht sammelt sich mit der Zeit was an. Wenn möglich mit vorher/nachher screenshots wie hier. Ich teile hier mein eigenes Profil, welches ich die letzten Wochen benutzt habe. Hauptsächlich verändert hab ich die vibrance (morgens und abends am besten zu sehen) sowie clarity und sharpness da, wie ich finde, die standardmäßigen Shader ein bisschen zu verwaschen aussehen. When installing ReShade, select the preset in the installation process and all dependend .fx should be downloaded automatically. If not here are the used effects: Curves.fx FakeHDR.fx LumaSharpen.fx Tonemap.fx Vibrance.fx Download Profile (ReShade v5.7.0): SimRailreshade-swa.zip Before/After (click to enhance / klicken zum vergrößern):
simrail - the railway simulator joystick button einstellen
Swäntai replied to cruela's topic in Allgemeine Diskussion [DE]
Korrigier mich einer wenn ich falsch liege, aber für SR gibt es momentan keinen Weg Achsen einzubinden. Aber Tastendrücke (wie Bsp. Türfreigabe/Hauptschalter etc.) kann man vorerst ganz einfach vom Joystick mit JoyToKey emulieren. Für TS Classic hab ich immer den TS2017 Raildriver and Joystick Interface (hier) benutzt. Soweit mir bekannt kann man den auch (zumindest im begrenzten Maße) für TSW 1/2 benutzen, der wurde scheinbar für TSW letzten November aktualisiert, hab den aber im TSW selber noch nich getestet. (geupdateter Raildriver im TSW Forum hier) 🙂 -
Dispatcher Improvements
Swäntai replied to DazT's topic in Suggestions for improvements [Multiplayer]
Munich main station does for example at certain platforms. Also the Munich S-Bahn metro has got local supervisors in their little cabins with camera screens on the platforms at it's most congested stations, which are responsible for attending the passenger exchange. They got to make sure the doors are clear before they give the door closing signal to the train operator. That'd also be a interesting mode to be added to the game now that I come to think about it 🤔. However I think it's just a fun quality-of-life feature being requested as to make the dispatching less monotonous after some time, especially in certain boxes. So I'm all for it. At least a binoculars keybind would be great, as I believe that'd be less hassle to implemented. -
Route mirror display for signallers
Swäntai replied to Swäntai's topic in Suggestions for improvements [Multiplayer]
Alright thats awesome news, thank you! 😄 -
I'd really appreciate an additional ingame computer screen added with a overview/route mirror of the route network as well as train position and -delay in minutes, like dispatchers usually have at hand here in germany, which looks like this (Src. DB Netz AG/ DB ProjektBau GmbH) I think that'd be a great way to see what the train is doing that should've been at your station 52 minutes ago without having to check the web map seperately, which in my opinion kind of breaks the immersion and can be janky to scroll trough at times. Hard to imagine PKP signallers wouldn't have anything comparable available to them (especially those in modern signal boxes).