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Everything posted by ErsGT

  1. On the panel the shunting signal Tm13 is dark. I think, Tm12 and Tm13 are missed up. Outside there is no shunting signal at track JT6. I assume that the Tm13 on the panel should shows the blue lit of the signal Tm12 on the track. Or the genuine Tm12 outside is missing. I'm not sure.
  2. The switch settings of the points Wk1 and Wk2 aren't the same as on the panel.
  3. Oh sorry, i'd post it in the wrong channel
  4. The distant signal ToT on the panel is dark.
  5. Ersatzsignal ziehen ist, wie der Name schon sagt, eine Ersatzhandlung. Sie darf niemals im Regelbetrieb angewendet werden, außer es machen bestimmte Voraussetzungen dies notwendig wie Störungen, Bauarbeiten, Hilfszüge einlassen etc. Den Betrieb zu beschleunigen ist leider kein valider Grund, die Sicherungstechnik auszuhebeln. Dort wo das Einfahren zweier Züge in den Bahnhof notwendig ist, ist dann auch die Sicherungstechnik entsprechend ausgelegt. Davon abgesehen war in deinem Beispiel der eine Zug eh zu früh dran, sodass etwas warten vermutlich nicht weh getan hat.
  6. At the freight train map the stations between Idzikowice and Grodzisk Mazowieck should be grayed out like Sosnowiec Poludniowy. These stations haven't freight train traffic. Idea for an addidtional map: Can you create a map which shows all line numbers?
  7. Great, someone thought about it. So sad, that Pilichowice is rarely used by a human.
  8. All right! @Schyrsivochter and I had tested some routes: M1-P3 route and M2-P3 route shows 100 km/h instead of 130 km/h.
  9. But, im not sure if it is right, cause the signal has an additional board. It was dark. The pic shows the rote from M1 via the points 58,60,62 and 65.
  10. Yes, in the direction that you'd described the speed limit is definitely 100 km/h.
  11. Yeah, if the dispatcher in Ol don't mind the pt-stop, then Opoczno Poludnie will hate him 😄
  12. The signal shows a lighted "13" below the color optics: https://semaforek.kolej.org.pl/wiki/index.php?title=Grodzisk_Mazowiecki#/media/Plik:Grodzisk_Mazowiecki104.JPG
  13. I think, the pt-stop is needed to pass the 4146 from Line 4. If 4146 is a little bit too late and you let passes 145055 to line 1 then the freight train is blocking the switches.
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