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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Also happened to me today, multiple times on the same route.
  2. Can also confirm, this has happened to me with multiple players today.
  3. I haven't taken screenshots, but you should do a playthrough of the Krakow route both ways and look for random penalties for not using the horn or points not received for using it (with signs present). There are very many places on the Krakow route where this happens.
  4. I might be mistaken, but the Tunel tunnel has a neutral section start sign before the entrance, but no neutral section ending sign at any point.
  5. When switching Track Information off (Information about next signal was already off), the UI gets broken like in the first picture and track information doesn't dissapear. Restarting the game fixes the issue and properly hides track info.
  6. If the weather transitions to snowy conditions, some of the windows of the EN57 will look completely white.
  7. Hello! The wheels of the freight wagon in the picture are not rotating unless I zoom in further on the wheels. It's proba bly a LOD setting that could be improved. Zoom in on the last wheel and look at the white stripe.
  8. Multiple major stations on the Krakow line. One of them was definitely Slomniki. Probably also Krakow?
  9. AI used Sz for overtake at Slomniki on EN1 at 23:42 for train 1335 instead of using normal signals.
  10. Can confirm, also happens on EU07/08.
  11. I don't think birds are supposed to be singing at 21:04 or 23:30 :D.
  12. At the end of Slomniki platform, you are sinking through the concrete.
  13. When driving ET22, when going from position 48 to 0 really quickly using Shift and down 3 times, when you are close to 0 the loco sounds mute for one second. (around position 1)
  14. No idea if Slomniki Miaslo has a SHP magnet in the middle of the station, probably not.
  15. I was not supposed to be in sedziszow, see bug report: But, when I reached, the AI sent me on non electrified track. Time: 19:57 server time EN1
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