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Everything posted by LANHenrik

  1. Hallo, Ich habe das schonmal im englischen Thema geschrieben, aber weiß jemand ob SimRail eine Schnittstelle für den Arduino oder ähnliches bekommen soll ? Gerade für das Thema DIY-Fahrpult fände ich das nämlich echt interessant. 👀 Im Developer-Interview waren ja schon einige Komponenten von besagtem Hersteller zu sehen, aber auch die Ausgabe von Spieledaten (Geschw., Schubkraft, etc.) würde viele Möglichkeiten schaffen. Was meint ihr?
  2. Dear SimRail Community and Team, after 15 hours of playtime i'd like to sum up my ideas and wishes for the probably best game of the genere. Multiplayer Editor: My wish is to (re)create a whole network of rail. But the only way to get there is support of the community to build. "Build there own dream add-ons" was sayn in the developers interview, so is it possible to implement this ? Varied vegetation: More vegetation variety could create a look/feeling more naturally while driving. Especially fields look kinda weird in the distance. (Because of the Early Access i assume you're already working on this? I hope so...) Map/Custom scenarios: A more moderny way to choose a route or scenario is a map. Here you could select a Start/End point and also the Train (and composition). Combined with the AI-trains, random events (and of cause more routs) this could/will cause more long therm fun and improves orientation. Arduino support/ Serial Interface: Kind of API's for enthusiasts like me, who wants to build her own driver's desk. I thought about a serial interface to communicate with Arduino (or other) wich could handle any input or outputs of the deck. This would open up many possibilities. If you look at a typical (german) drivers cabin you will know what I mean. Here are some ideas for data to exchange: speed driving lever(+-) traction (+-) breaking lever distance to next signalbox/station (for german LZB like replica 😉) freely assignable switches (light, horn, etc.) Thank you all for your opinions and comments. The user
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