Dear SimRail Community and Team,
after 15 hours of playtime i'd like to sum up my ideas and wishes for the probably best game of the genere.
Multiplayer Editor: My wish is to (re)create a whole network of rail. But the only way to get there is support of the community to build. "Build there own dream add-ons" was sayn in the developers interview, so is it possible to implement this ?
Varied vegetation: More vegetation variety could create a look/feeling more naturally while driving. Especially fields look kinda weird in the distance. (Because of the Early Access i assume you're already working on this? I hope so...)
Map/Custom scenarios: A more moderny way to choose a route or scenario is a map. Here you could select a Start/End point and also the Train (and composition). Combined with the AI-trains, random events (and of cause more routs) this could/will cause more long therm fun and improves orientation.
Arduino support/ Serial Interface: Kind of API's for enthusiasts like me, who wants to build her own driver's desk. I thought about a serial interface to communicate with Arduino (or other) wich could handle any input or outputs of the deck. This would open up many possibilities. If you look at a typical (german) drivers cabin you will know what I mean. Here are some ideas for data to exchange:
driving lever(+-)
traction (+-)
breaking lever
distance to next signalbox/station (for german LZB like replica 😉)
freely assignable switches (light, horn, etc.)
Thank you all for your opinions and comments.
The user