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Chisato Nishikigi

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Everything posted by Chisato Nishikigi

  1. Okay, so you think that running server is costs money. But the hungarian server is still running today but it's locked. Running empty server costs money too :'( Also I can see that sim devs have also 5 server with daily 2-3 member as hungarian was it...... So this reasons are Invalid. Whats up with Italian or Ukrain server? where is the players???????????????? They don't have budget for Hungarian server? Should i pay for it with my minimal salary??? Get better reasons. bruh
  2. Hello, Simrail Team! Is there any chance that we got hungarian server again? We have more members than ukraine and others people who have server for less people. When the Hungarian server was shutdowned without any reason we were so sad. Thanks for the future reply already.
  3. Hello, is there any chance that we get a Scenery editor/maker like in railworks? I would like to make sceneries but i don't know java programming so i can't make any goods. What am i imagined? It would be great if it is an editor where you can make/edit scenario with graphics platform. Make your train consist, the path, and events. What do you think about it?
  4. Sad :( They said that the server time is based on server location time which is in France but i think France is have the same timezone as Hungary kekw
  5. i checked vagonweb for what exactly runs at pl irl. I see so much difference in each train. so at least it could be more "color" on rolling stock not only 1 train / type. https://www.vagonweb.cz/razeni/razeni.php?rok=2023&jmeno=&vuz=&cislo_vozu=&relace=PL-100&najit=Keresés
  6. In real life there is a trains which runs with different locomative every day and with a different wagons. I don't think that it would screws anything. That's why i mention "in logical way". So not everything can be modified in train.
  7. Hello all! It could be good to change train consist in multiplayer like changeable locomative and wagons or you can go solo or duo pendolino if you wanted. But only allow change consist in logical way (so not allow to play players 40 wagon train and impossible consistes). Also it would be changeable werbelok (paint) in your loco etc. What are you think about in? Tell me in comment.
  8. Hello! I just noticed that S1 trains are not requied to stop at Sosnowiec Glowny, Bedzin Miasto but in timetable its marked with / ph / so it should stop in that stations. idk why this happens but its strange. Also in Zawiercie the game not saying where should i stop and after goes until signal nothing happen but it says i passed the station so maybe platform or sth not good here. SimRail_log_2023-02-01_18-04-00.txt
  9. Thank you so much, we are so happy now :)
  10. Hello Simrail developers! I have a suggestion for future. There are a lot of players who's playing in Hungary, but some of them can't speak english or sth like this language. Is there any chance that Hungarian server will be avalible in the future? I think there is enought people who are playing from Hungary. Kind Regard.
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