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  1. Awesome, thank you. Regarding point 4 (and 6. I guess), if this is a bot instead of a player. Is there a way to tell the AI driver to push back or out of luck in that instance?
  2. Hi, just started looking into dispatching recently. I have the rudimentary basics down I think. But far from knowing what I'm doing ;). I just joined a server on Dabrowa Gornicza and was facing the following train sitting in the station on what I'd call the opposite track (644016 facing to the right, red arrow). I am wondering if there is a solution to this? From what I can tell is I can't send 644016 out to the right on the topmost track because there's oncoming traffic. But I also can't get the train over to the second track because there are no switches in front of the train. Is there a way to let the train reverse down to the second track and then onward? Cheers
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