Please implement some improvements.
like random UIC-Numbers on rolling stock.
right now all blue Res and Ea also the brown Res and Ea cars are identical. Same with the Passenger Coaches.
I know, this is a small detail but iam working as Train Driver and look at this Detail.
it would be fantastic, when the cars get also some visual differences (rust, dirt, graffiti)
In Singleplayer Traxx Tutorial i get the important information how many cars and the weight of train.
But in Multiplayer i have NO informations about Train Data.
Please implement a database of rolling stock and on each loco an individual list of all cars in the train.
Like : ( UIC-Numbers not realistic, just an example )
Car | UIC-Number | Type | Axes | Lenght | Weight Empty | Weight Load | Weight Total | Braketype | Brakeforce
1 | 12 34 5678 000-1 | Res | 4 | 19.9m | 23,2t. | 25,5t. | 48,7t. | G | 48t.
2 | 12 34 5678 001-2 | Res | 4 | 19.9m | 23,2t. | 25,7t. | 48,9t. | G | 48t.
3 | 12 34 5678 002-3 | Res | 4 | 19.9m | 23,6t. | 26,1t. | 49,7t. | G | 49t.
4 | 12 34 5678 003-4 | Res | 4 | 19.9m | 23,4t. | 25,0t. | 48,4t. | G | 48t.
5 | 12 34 5678 004-5 | Res | 4 | 19.9m | 24,2t. | 25,2t. | 49,4t. | G | 49t.
6 | 12 34 5678 005-6 | Res | 4 | 19.9m | 23,2t. | 25,8t. | 49,0t. | G | 49t.
6 | | 24 | 119.4m| 140,8t. | 153,3t. | 294,1t. | | 291t.
Please show the fright trains load if they are loaded.
Like in the Traxx Tutorial.
In Multiplayer all Trains are empty, but some of them are really hard to drive.
Again, we need Train Data in Multiplayer
Dispatchers need an Station Plan, maybe somewhere at the wall with
Track Numbers, Junction Numbers, Signal Numbers, Platforms, Track lenght, Platform lenght.
Also Dispatcher:
Please add the possibility to invert colors on the Timetable Screen.
Especially at Nighttime the bright white Screen is burning in the eyes.
Sometimes the Timetables get unuseable (greyed out with cyrcle of death) motsly this monitor is broken till server restart.
give the dispatcher the possiblility to force reconnect/refresh the Timetable Database eg with an switch at the Computers under the Table 😉