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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. Both are brilliant ideas. Co-op on signal boxes also makes larger boxes significantly easier but it will require a system where one player is "the boss" and decides who else can join them.
  2. Das (und diverse internationale Spitzensignalvariationen) geht mit dem Drehschalter an der Führerstandsrückwand.
  3. I'm neither a fan of getting held up nor holding up trains unnecessarily.
  4. I like the idea of being able to simulate various operational scenarios but it requires both a decent technical implementation (how else are you supposed to give a written order to an AI train for instance?) and players who know reasonably well what they are doing. With workers on the tracks, there are three common scenarios: The workers "protect themselves": Trains can run normally. There may be a speed restriction which requires a written order. Workers on the line need to be notified of train movements: Trains can run normally when workers have been notified and require a written order to run at reduced speed if the workers can't be notified. Track is closed: No train movements on that track. In all cases, you run the trains on main signal if you can, as it has a far higher level of safety than the substitute signal.
  5. I already thought about doing something similar to the "local knowledge" stuff Signalsoft did for their simulators (Duisburg Hbf for reference: https://railsignalling.org/signalwiki/index.php?title=Dispatching_in_Zentralstellwerk_Duisburg_Hbf).
  6. TD2 has a chat command for signallers to kick players from their scenery and a ticket system for formal complaints which is manually moderated by volunteer staff according to a comprehensive guide of punishments.
  7. Considering that we already have a decently capable AI for both trains and signal boxes, a full timetable and dispatcher single player shouldn't be too much of a technical problem.
  8. It's not implemented in Lazy. Explaination The logic of the type E relay interlocking has all defined routes and the required conditions explicitly hardwired into it and only checks that the specific conditions are met (just like a mechanical interlocking does mechanically) requiring an explicit definition of for every individual variant route to work. At the time of handmade and checked locking tables (the document defining each route and the required status of its elements) and some kind of phyiscal implementation, the railways usually considered variant routes not worth the price.
  9. I'd also go with some futher information about the service (e.g. train length, weight and maximum speed) and its current location.
  10. It is possible in Multiplayer (you can turn the loco off and back on again). The current timetable just has no services that require a cold start (e.g. preparing a loco for service at the depot).
  11. The main signal buttons are not correctly implemented yet. Bedzin has them as "Fahrstraßenhilfstaste" and not as "Fahrstraßentaste" in the german translation.
  12. I'd go with actually useful things to interact with such as a train register, written orders and some instructions (Ir-1, how to operate the signalling equipment and local instructions so you have a realistic ingame manual) first. Yet, being able to make a cup of coffee is a neat way to practice VR interactions and a wonderful gimmick.
  13. Im bundesdeutschen Bahndeutsch wäre Bahnbetriebswerk eine gute Übersetzung. Ich erwarte da so eine Art Showroom, wo man sich die Fahrzeuge angucken kann.
  14. I'll just continue your excellen work a bit... Type C line block on panels: Po: Vorblocktaste Ko: Rückblocktaste Poz: Erlaubnisabgabetaste dPo: Hilfsvorblocktaste dKo: Anschalter I'd personally go for "Fahrstraßenhilfsauflösetaste" instead of "Fahrstraßenhilfstaste" for the z-buttons on the panels which makes the purpose a bit clearer for people who don't know the DB guideline 482. There is also an excellent resource for translating from railway signalling Polish into decent Railway signalling German: https://www.bsk.isdr.pl/slownik.php?l1=PL&l2=DE
  15. Both the Eaos and Res wagons miss textures on the brake controls and the settings of the controls also look a bit odd to me. Both vehicles have their air brakes cut off (the loop handle should be horizontally downwards if the brakes are cut in) but I'm unsure if that isn't just down to some polish rules (both were the first wagon in the train). The controls on the Eaos have text but are not coloured. The controls on the Res are coloured but have no text (the "Autom." on the brake release handle is missing too). The load compenstation (red crank handle on the right) is also set to "loaded" despite the wagon being empty.
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