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Everything posted by darryl0768healy

  1. Change the colour from dark to light up the top right corner.
  2. Any update on this? Was it fixed?
  3. I hold departure signals at red for stopping trains until they're due to go. It just shows that there's a stop too incase their HUD is off. Keeps the signal interlocking available for anything else that may happen.
  4. Absolutely! Everyone in game learns off others too which is a huge part of Simrail. Seems he didn't want advice but still learnt from it anyway on the advice of a report in game.
  5. My main issue was the dispatchers attitude for it. I asked for a green to keep proceeding, he goes to argue with an attitude. That sort of thing doesn't sit well with me as it can ruin game play. I like being held and put into sidings as it creates more realism but sitting on the mainline for nothing then getting attitude when asked why I'm stopped after asking twice....thats how people get reported. Good to say this player learnt from what I explained to him and the following day I had lights straight through while I was a few mins early with no disruption to the timetable. Pendolino services often run around 6mins early with absolutely no effect on other trains or the timetable at all. In fact if they run early they burden themselves by catching up to 141 jobs.
  6. And that's the correct way to do it but when there's no scheduled stop and ko other trains around then thats when it becomes annoying for other players to deliberately make you late.
  7. Been having a few issues with player dispatchers stopping trains in the middle of nowhere because they're "early". Today I was driving 1403 and it was only 4mins early, I got to Psary to find a red signal with no other trains around. Player who was in Psary dispatch - bobbi_astar - decided to troll player trains by stopping them and holding them until they were late. This player communicated you are early and aren't allowed to go. I didn't have a passenger stop until SG. To me the players that do that are deliberately trolling and not being very nice via the communications when trains ask for the green lights to head through. I know it seems Petty but people who do this really ruin the game play and immersion for other players if they're stopping trains, especially Priority pendolinos for their own fun. This has been argued here before and lost players feel the same, unessesarily stopping just for the timetable is not preferred.
  8. As in I had a scout around then thought, yeah nah I'll just post up and see what the people had to say. No biggie, I just can't read polish.
  9. I'd be happy if we just get a headlight dim key bind. That's one we need the most.
  10. Unless there's specific instructions from Simrail devs to do this then I'd have no clue how to do it. I guess I expect announcements to just work properly?
  11. I went in search of it today and it starts at the 213 2 mile post for a good section of the curve.
  12. Peculiar huh only happens at night maybe? Nothing too major.
  13. It would be nice to see where all of these other problems were reported? Certainly cant find them in the English section half of the time and I certainly cant read polish. Thanks for your hard work nonetheless. Love your work :)
  14. Funnily enough I have the same little sound issues thats described....brake hiss, kerlunk....all of that intermittent.
  15. Passengers are still flying through the air behind trains after the update (bug fix)
  16. Yeah sorry the pic is very dark. It's 5 to 7km south of GW toward Zawiercie. I was heading from Zawiercie to Gora W. It was about 1km worth of overhead not in line.
  17. As seen in the picture - green rainbow poles and green overhead lines. Location Darota I think.
  18. As seen in the picture I came head on with another service while I was waiting at a light. I'd just taken this train over when a player train came roaring around the corner and crashed into me. See screenshot for location details. The only way to fix this was another player to reverse the train until it got deleted.
  19. I know its hard to see but between Zawiercie and Gora Wlodowska the overhead isn't above the track on the North direction. You can see the location about 5 - 6km from Gora W.
  20. Now this is silly - a passenger is standing onfront of the buffer of the loco....
  21. Where did the station announcements go? I heard them for about 2 days then they were gone....
  22. I get the green wires too, I didn't know it was a bug.
  23. Yes but the issue was I Zawiercie timetable has train 245023 pass through, this train wasn't showing in the timetable at all and was going North so it should have been an even number - the timetable did have 245022 in it which matched train 245023. 245023 showed on the signal panel but 245022 showed on the timetable. A few freight services show as a wrong number in timetable.
  24. Why though? It should be correct numbers. I already logged a bug for this but they ignored it.
  25. I agree! I was ready to report this too!
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