I am working on an alternative EDR display for SimRail. This EDR aims to enahnce the game's interface on such aspects:
More modern design
Remove non used fields and condense some fields
Give more informations (current delay, early, train type, ETA, max speed for train type)
Merge timetables for stations with multiple posts (Sosnowiec)
Fade out train that have passed the station
Filter only trains that are on the train line
"Live" status update (train informations are updated every 5-10s)
Dark mode
For now, the EDR is only on closed beta on french servers and is only available in french. I am working on an english translation of the EDR and I am looking for international beta testers and translators. Please hit me up on Discord (DeadlyKungFu.Ninja#8294) if you want to help me !
I would like to make a mod to replace the in game EDR by my EDR for more immersion, but given the rule of not modifying any game files I have not tried yet, so its only available as a web interface for now.
Changelog and issues are located here: https://github.com/DKFN/edr-issues
Finally, here is a video that shows a few minutes a Katowice to see the EDR in live action.
Note for SimRail team. All requests are CDN cached and avg RPS is around 1/5. However, if for any reason you need to filter the traffic or slow down the RPS of the UI all requests include the following headers:
"User-Agent": "Custom EDR vDEV",
"xx-client": "Custom EDR",
"xx-maintainer": "DeadlyKungFu.Ninja",
"xx-contact": "DeadlyKungFu.Ninja#8294",
"xx-executor": "outbound.gcp.infra.deadlykungfu.ninja",