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Everything posted by DeadlyKungFu.Ninja

  1. Hi, Thanks ! That would be great 🙂 Apoligises for the late reply, I don't monitor the forum often. Awesome ! Can you please contact me on Discord ? There are no beta keys left for now, I have some bugs to fix before being able to do anorther release. But I will get back to you as soon as I have released the next version ! 🙂 I am also trying a lot of different network configurations in orther to balance cost effectiveness and more frequent updates. The problem with such tries, is that, if something is misconfigured by mistakes, it can send all the requests down to the SimRail game servers. It is rare, but it can happend. That is one of the main reason I limit beta keys atm, if a fuse is shorting with 20 persons online its not much an issue for SimRail servers, but 100 is anorther story 😅
  2. Hello, Great news, the EDR is now available in English and in Czech ! 🥳 Many thanks to Howky (OFPMafia) Jason_ (SimRail Global Community Server) !! Alongisde the update more servers are now open: CZ1 PL1 PL2 ES1 ES2 DE2 There is only 3 closed beta keys left I want to thank all the SimRail community for their involvment in helping me making the EDR better from a day to anorther, this could not have been possible without you. Full changelog is available on the Github 🙂
  3. With having much fun with the API creating a custom dispatch interface I think I can partialliy answer why no private servers can be done short term: Some aspects of the game are centralized on the same API server, despite having effectively multiple game servers active. Because of this, there is no simple way to make private servers possible with the current state of what I can see of the SimRail overall backend architecture. Regarding technologies used by SimRail, it is a mix of C# and Javascript from what is available to me. I hope this helps. Thanks
  4. There were multiple radio calls announcing the issue. The few players (2) that voice their disagreement were given priority and we reopened a track for them so they could enjoy the game how they wished to enjoy it. I understand your concerns, and all I can say is that we did our best so everyone enjoyed their game. Some did not voiced their disagreements but were annoyed nonetheless, 2 more, and I apologized to them after the shift was done. This is the only time I was a dispatcher an made an event, I tried and saw that it was not perfect just yet for everyone and did not make anorther one personnally. The forum post is impossible to make becase there is no guarantee who will be dispatcher at any given time, so no planning on when it can or will happend can be done as of now. Thanks
  5. Hi, There is a big difference between doing it because you are bored, and an event all dispatchers and most players have agreed too. The lack of private servers and the fact we cannot know before server start who is going to be dispatcher makes it impossible to prepare in advance, but there was some level of organisation and planning to it. Just to reflect that it is not only "Bored dispatcher doing wierd stuff" vs "Perfect dispatchers without any deviations to game plan" (I was on FR1 during the One Track event) Thanks.
  6. Hello! I am working on an alternative EDR display for SimRail. This EDR aims to enahnce the game's interface on such aspects: More modern design Remove non used fields and condense some fields Give more informations (current delay, early, train type, ETA, max speed for train type) Merge timetables for stations with multiple posts (Sosnowiec) Fade out train that have passed the station Filter only trains that are on the train line "Live" status update (train informations are updated every 5-10s) Dark mode For now, the EDR is only on closed beta on french servers and is only available in french. I am working on an english translation of the EDR and I am looking for international beta testers and translators. Please hit me up on Discord (DeadlyKungFu.Ninja#8294) if you want to help me ! I would like to make a mod to replace the in game EDR by my EDR for more immersion, but given the rule of not modifying any game files I have not tried yet, so its only available as a web interface for now. Changelog and issues are located here: https://github.com/DKFN/edr-issues Finally, here is a video that shows a few minutes a Katowice to see the EDR in live action. Note for SimRail team. All requests are CDN cached and avg RPS is around 1/5. However, if for any reason you need to filter the traffic or slow down the RPS of the UI all requests include the following headers: "User-Agent": "Custom EDR vDEV", "xx-client": "Custom EDR", "xx-maintainer": "DeadlyKungFu.Ninja", "xx-contact": "DeadlyKungFu.Ninja#8294", "xx-executor": "outbound.gcp.infra.deadlykungfu.ninja",
  7. Thanks indeed, its better to keep it on one topic ! Yes I agree. Thanks all for your insights 🙂
  8. Hi ! On FR1 we agreed with SimRail France Discord players to make a little event where all three southern stations (Katowice, Sosnowiec, Bedzin) will run on one track only to simulate a major traffic disruption and spice up the gameplay. We announced the event on the voice chat multiple times early on and most players were ok with it. But some players were understandably irritated by the event and we had to reopen some tracks to try to make everyone happy and enjoying the game. After I had a chat with the players to understand what went wrong and what could be done in the future to make such events flow better there seems to be two solutions we have thinked of: 1- Community run servers: This would allow such events to be prepared and announced very early so everyone will know what to expect when they connect to the server and allowing the community to clearly set the vibe of the server they run., but afaik this will not be an option at release for technical limitations. 2- Have "Fun" and "Serious" servers: Some players are "Serious" meaning that they expect the MP session to work flawlessly and in regards to railwails operations. They often get annoyed at chatty dispatcher/drivers, are critical with such events and seek the most realism possible in their session (wich I understand). Orther players are more "Fun", they are enjoying the game more if its a relaxed experience overall and if drivers or dispatcher throw in made up incidents into the mix to break the habit of the normal gameplay and challenge the flow of operations. I think such separation of concerns would be a great addition on release and will avoid some of the frictions on the community :)
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