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Everything posted by TMIX_Dávid

  1. the tracks keep flashing and they wont release en1 - 01.02 11:59 utc
  2. No train route available, tried everything
  3. A train passed before I saw this. EN1 18:10
  4. EN1 - 12:50 This train has to go to Dorota, but can't.
  5. It's only called that in the EU07. On other locos/units it's called sander.
  6. There is no stopping point in the timetable at Chruszczobród. This also happened in Zawierce GT but that bug is already reported.
  7. I think a sanding shortcut/keybind is necesary. Also the ET25 is strugling without sanding at a low speed.
  8. As I was playing I noticed that when i passed a signal with the ET25, the upcoming signal still showed that I didn't pass it. It became a problem once I coudln't pass a signal because the train was so slow, the signal got knocked to red before the game thought i passed it, so I couldn't pass a clear signal from a standstill. (picture attached) I had to back up, and gain momentum to pass it. PLEASE FIX THIS, it is really anoying and game-breaking. Also I noticed that I got minus points for not stopping at stations that I was not supposed to stop at anyway. Log file attached. SimRail_log_2023-01-15_18-28-37.txt
  9. What is the website's name where you looked at the train? (not panel.simrail.eu)
  10. Another instance:
  11. EN1 12:00
  12. Every time I passed a level crossing the speed limit jumped from the previous limit to 20km/h, and the moment I passed it it gave me back the original limit. Log file attached. SimRail_log_2023-01-13_18-32-26.txt
  13. SERVER: EN9 - 01.04 23:24 EDIT: It tried it until 23:32 when i guess the train rolled over the red.
  14. It was used. the block was full white when the train departed
  15. I couldn't confirm arrival after gicing the arriving train a substitute signal I tried creating a train route and than deleting it, but that did not work. I also tried the train arrival confirmation override button, but that did not do anything as well.
  16. backstory: lazy didn't respond to the message I sent about 42936 (tried 4 times). But trains started to build up so i sent it over without permission. Now it's stuck at the entrance.
  17. the switch is in the off position but the light never turns off.
  18. As you can see the Lazy La AI puts me on a siding track then immediately puts me back on the 'main' line. It could keep me on the original track. I suppose this is to queue up the freight trains, but i was the only freight train there. I would be nice if this gets fixed.
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