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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. Salut, les annonces sont en train d'être retravaillées et devraient être dispo avec une prochaine MàJ
  2. Hi, I have corrected the translation to "Distance de visibilité de la traction" to better match the corresponding graphic setting. It is used in a game's graphical settings to adjust the distance at which traction effects such as smoke or sparks are displayed on-screen.
  3. Hi, I have corrected the current translation to 'reflets' in order to better match the graphic option. It will be updated during the next Simrail update. Thank you for your feedback.
  4. Hi ! I noticed at Dabrowa Gornicza that the pedestrian level crossing 300.015 remains locked after the train clears the C1 signal. You have to wait for the train to leave the station and pass the N1 signal to be able to reopen it.
  5. Bonjour @Seigneur Reltak effectivement, petite coquille dans la traduction, je viens de la rectifier. Elle sera effective soit dans la prochaine MàJ soit la suivante.
  6. I put the key "²" and it works
  7. Just change the global chat key (default "T") to another key to solve this
  8. Hi, the block number is not the same between the one on the track and the red square in Pilichowice
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