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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Like the title says. when you get up from your seat and walk through the cab with W, the wiper switch is activated. This wasn't the case in previous update's. Tested on a PKP cargo EU07
  2. I dont know if its a bug but the trck between DGW and slawkow is very bumpy. It sounds like your constanly driviung over switches and the loco and wagons rock back and forth. I dont know if this it meant to be...
  3. Im driving train 444064 from KWK Staszic. I had a mandatory stop at Dandowka. When the signal showed a proceed with caution aspect i started driving. A few meters after the signal i was teleported a few meters back like i drove through a red aspect. This was at signal H. I im now standing with my nose of my loce a few meters past the signal. The signal showed a red aspect for a few seconds until it showed a proceed with caution aspect. I started driving again, and again im teleported back a few meters, with the signal being red again. I put on the autopilot to type this report and the same thing happend with the AI in control. SimRail_log_2023-01-14_23-03-30.txt
  4. When in the cab are on the outside view, panning around, grass keeps spawning and despawning on certain angles. This makes my game stutter a little bit. SimRail_log_2023-01-14_16-23-23.txt
  5. When i started the service for train 245047, the service starts on a track that is closed. Closed track sign is present just in front of the loco. SimRail_log_2023-01-14_16-23-23.txt
  6. At Dabrowa Gornicza station their are two level crossings. before the level crossings is a exitsignal called C2. I cant clear trains to stop at that exit signal before i close the level crossings. beyond the exit signal. In practice that leeds to the level crossings being closed before the train even arrives at the station. Let us clear trains to exitsignal c2 without closing the levelcrossings and when we want to clear the train for departure we need to close the levelcrossings.
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