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SimRail Playtests Early Access


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  1. I had the same problem. It seems that you have to complete filling in all the train data before releasing the train brakes.
  2. I completed them all and checked the counter after each station. I only reached 39/40. Juliusz was not counted for, even after spending two extra hours there.
  3. Achievement "See the world" only given for completing the [ET22][Cargo] Katowice -> Sedziszow (which takes the route via Juliusz and Dorota). It is not given for completing the EN57 or the steam engine Ty2 scenario which both take the route via Sosnowiec Kazimierz.
  4. I got the Katowice-Sędziszów achievement by completing the [ET22][Cargo] Katowice-Sędziszów scenario. It takes the route via Juliusz and Dorota. Sorry for the English.
  5. If you go outside the post in Miechow and walk towards the platform close to the underpass (on the concrete), you drop below the ground.
  6. I did it a long time ago. What I remember, I managed by setting the cruise control acceleration of the EN76 to 90% (instead of 50%), braking uncomfortably hard and late, and arriving before the planned arrival time (stop at 11:04 means arrival and opening doors at 11:03:59 the latest).
  7. Sanding may help as well, especially on grades. If you press the sander, you see the current, and hence, the torque change directly.
  8. Railroad worker at Dąbrowa Górnicza Wschodnia holding his phone upside down.
  9. At Katowice Zawodzie, routes set towards line 138 (towards Myslowice) are not cancelled by the system. As a result, these trains do not reach Sosnowiec Glowny.
  10. After server reset (15-04-2023, 16:00, server EN1), train 40676 was incorrectly located on track L62 at signal P in Sosnowiec Glowny behind the dispatcher post. Train was send to Bedzin with a substitute signal.
  11. At station Dabrowa Garnicza, two passengers sitting on the train are drawn on the outside (and moving with the train). SimRail_log_2022-12-24_19-26-21.zip
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