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Everything posted by SugaCane

  1. But not all dispatcher station will get one
  2. And it need to be night that you can use the flashlight
  3. Then don't use WASD for Train interactions. I dont have anythink set on WASD and I don't have Problems with such thinks. And it just make sense, that you can drive the Train while youre standing. This is in RL possoble too. Just switch the Controlls then you dont have the Problem.
  4. Or just use https://simrail-edr.de/liveMap or https://simrail.me
  5. Or they just should add sun visor/shutter to the windows in the Dispatcher boxen.
  6. Which anti-virus software are you using?
  7. That's Normal for the Dragon
  8. In the ET25 you can't switch the brake types at the moment .
  9. Wenn in Katowice in RL Gewitter ist ist auch in Game in KO Gewitter. Und wenn während dessen in Warszawa Sonne in RL scheint, scheint auch in Game die Sonne.
  10. Yap it do. We just found these bug because an Troll that was on the FR Server. He resetted the complettly axle counter between Psary and Gora
  11. Bestimmt gibt es die irgend wo aber wir fahren in Polen und nicht in Deutschland
  12. I think that 1 - 2 hours is too little. But what's the point if he is kicked out after 1-2 hours but then there is someone else in there who is not you? I am of the opinion "Who comes first paints first" [Wer zuerst kommt mahlt zuerst] (It is a German proverb). There shoudn't be an Timelimit as Dispatcher.
  13. Den hast du auch bei der EU08. Den Benutzt man um noch mehr Strom zu bekommen. Heißt, wenn du mit dem Fahrhebel in Position 28 oder 42 bist kannst du den Feldschwächungshebel benutzen um noch mehr Strom/Leistung zu bekommen.
  14. The Switch under you was moved to another position so youre wagons are drifting
  15. Jup. Have a good night ^^
  16. At the Moment the complet API and AI is down. Need to Wait for an Server Restart
  17. You need to put "Texture resolution" to Full that this is not blured
  18. Yes you can report it in the Discord under . There is just this Way.
  19. It is possible to fix, but you need to send trains via SZ to the next station. Then can Dandówka send the trains faster to you
  20. If the AI offers you a Train, you can reject it and immediately offer your Train. In 80% of the cases the AI accepts your Train. I just speak for SPł1.
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