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Railfan 23

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SimRail Early Access


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  1. The only thing that comes to my mind is that you have already activated the integrated graphics on CPU that shuts down the graphics card. 2nd missing updates of graphics 3rd Eco or Balanced Mode on Gigabyte app that sets the graphics profile
  2. Guys I want to translate every single button, option and message that ETCS screen appears. Where is the folder of ETCS messages ?
  3. Does anyone have problem communicating with mic when play with Nvidia Geforce Now? I have all devices with correct set up from nvidia app and steam settings and none can hear me
  4. I did open a ticket and we will see, I have a macbook air m3 model
  5. This is the ETR 470 with sound inside the drivers cab And this is a review video. And yes at least the passengers have silent inside the wagon
  6. I’m really curious on how they achieved to do that. Well if you know to set the sounds on the opposite you already know how to change it. It’s hilarious by the way.
  7. With the sounds inside and outside the train there is a huge problem. You set it up on the opposite way. The outside sound of the train must be the interior sound and the sound of the driver's cabin must be the sound of the interior. Usually, the train is silent inside and louder outside
  8. Well I'll awnser you on English. If you check on ETCS settings> Language> 9th option, there is Greek lang option. But many phrases or words are wrong on the automatic translation.
  9. Bug on Multiplayer mode on Mac OS with use of Crossover Compatibility software. When user starts the game on single mode, all contents can be loaded without a problem. Unfortunately, on Multiplayer we see an empty scenery and until we kill the game via steam, it freezes, how's even possible to play on single but not on multiplayer mode? https://www.codeweavers.com/compatibility/crossover/simrail-the-railway-simulator
  10. Hello, I want to report some wrong translations in ETCS Screen to the Greek language 1. Central Screen with menu, override buttons etc. The no.2 override button must have the translation: Προσπέλαση The no 4 button with Spec. must have translation: Χαρακτηριστικά or Χαρακτ. 2 Menu Screen (Main) Categories with wrong translations: 1.Language: must have the word: Γλώσσα 2. Volume: must have the translation of: Ένταση Ήχου 3. Brightness: must have translation of: Φωτεινότητα Messages: Entry on FS (Full Supervision) must be translated on: Είσοδος σε πλήρη εποπτεία
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