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Isambard Kingdom Brunel

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Everything posted by Isambard Kingdom Brunel

  1. Flaming game crashed in SP mode, while setting up the loco. SimRail_log_2023-01-28_15-45-21.txt
  2. Save game is essential in any type of sim, because by the nature of simulators. They involve continuous play, as in the player usually wants to pick up where they left off the day or week before. SimRail has it's good points as Vern said above. But with a track mileage of 500km, it was ludicrous not to include a save from day one. Too much of the fanboy attitude breaking out on this forum. The game was delivered in EA with an MP and SP game mode. The SP mode should have always had a save capability. This game was originally called SimRail 2021, so probably due for release in 2020. So the developers have had more than enough time, to add the function to SP.
  3. Did you have voices in your head before Simrail came along Vern. Do you think people are always talking about you, buddy 🤣 🤣
  4. Same here 4 hrs played and only purchased because a save game function was mentioned. That is the last of my money that the developers will get.
  5. At least in SP, when escape is chosen and the menu pops up. The game actually pauses, i don't think it does in MP. So i went off for 2 hrs to do something else and then came back and resumed the tutorial. Mike.
  6. Fwends are like bus wa**ers, only friendlier. 😂
  7. Blimey Gazz you should write a book...........how to lose friends and alienate people 🤣 😉
  8. Having to complete a tutorial is dumb. Already did that with the playtest version. The only loco i am interested in (apart from the missing steam loco) is the EU07. Which i drove to death in Playtest. Certainly not interested in dispatching in MP.
  9. Chat window is the first HUD element i hide, who needs it 😴
  10. We want the save function, when do we want it.............now.
  11. Yup get a couple of mates on there and ignore everyone else. Works for me, always one or two empty MP servers.
  12. Deleted.
  13. It will be unlockable in the 2035 early access edition of the game. ☹️
  14. No save game, according to Steam discussions. No save game, no sale.
  15. D-Day 6th June 1944, have some flaming respect. This is a train game release, not life or death.
  16. Uninstall now then is it. How can we remove both Playtest and Prologue versions from our Steam library. As they are surely both redundant now.
  17. Best way Vern, you can treat it as an SP session.
  18. Stay on the left, that is the way railways were created to operate.
  19. Romanian ST43, built for use in Poland and the SU46, would be my preference.
  20. Thanks buddy, i must have run the game just before the update. 👍
  21. What an absolute corker of a chappy you are Gazza292. Thanks very much buddy, 6 members downloaded before me and not one had the decency, to say thank you.
  22. We got the DTG floating blues in the game.
  23. The silence is deafening, even my tinnitus cannot drown it out 🤦‍♂️
  24. I'm leaning on a lamp-post........................🤷‍♂️
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