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Isambard Kingdom Brunel

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Everything posted by Isambard Kingdom Brunel

  1. Use your mouse to shut the cylinder cocks. It's in a "look down" position buddy, when you are in the drivers seat. Only had one drive on it, so cannot remember exactly which one it is.
  2. Completely agree with you, still no editors after god knows how many years or a single player save function. Just like DTG and N3V, the developers are a load of charlatans.
  3. Completely agree the SCS truck sims have great rain effects on the front and side windscreens. In SimRail they are abysmal particularly at speed on the front windscreen.
  4. You will be lucky to get any replies from the developers on here. If they don't like what is being posted, they just ignore it.
  5. https://youtu.be/L6o7e_99OwQ SimRail developers how about a DLC with the ET41 loco as seen in the video on more than one occasion. I believe the southern part of the route is correct for these loco's to work coal services.
      • 1
      • I agree
  6. "And socializing is part of a multiplayer game." Not for me it isn't, i only play MP because it has AI. I do not want to talk to anyone, toot my horn at anyone or txt anyone.
  7. @tvaruzeq My comment about cheating was not aimed specifically at you. Just about cheating in general, as i think it is pointless.
  8. I am retired BR Gazz, so when i run these trainsims. I tend to try and do everything properly. Points scoring is the furthest thing from my mind. It annoys me when i get a pop out on SimRail, telling me i got 50 points for sounding the horn in the correct location . So i agree with what you say.
  9. Why would anyone want to cheat playing a railway sim, it's not a competition .
  10. So this loco is actually an ET26, i believe. As it has the Last Mile diesel prime mover fitted (only 7 do). Could anyone who knows more than me about Polish locomotives (wouldn't be difficult) . Tell me what power output the prime mover is rated at please (HP). I just spent 2 hrs crawling along on max power at 25mph, with 10 empty coal wagons .
  11. I thought it was to speed up train break release, after a brake application.
  12. This is the english forum section........................... you said....................... "There is no time to make a tutorial, but there is time to create and release a DLC with a bull and 3 scenarios."
  13. Started it from cold earlier today. It is one of the easier ones, to work out and a nice loco to drive.
  14. Many thanks for replying and i understand the reasons why there isn't a tutorial for the loco. From what you have just told me.
  15. Why isn't there a tutorial for the ET25, or am i just blind ? There is one for the E186.
  16. Got it now thank you, never noticed the arrows at the bottom before 🫣
  17. Hi buddy thanks for the reply. Don't remember seeing any arrows on screen. I will have a look next time i play, much appreciated.
  18. Agree Vern smaller chunks or i still advocate for a save function. Which apparently is coming sometime in the distant future.
  19. It worked yesterday Vern, door opened so my bad. Although i was in the toilet in MP, with the service careering down the line out of control. As i had to turn off the bot, to be able to leave the driver seat.
  20. Very quickly going off this mess of a game. So buggy it is unbelievable. Another dumb feature i came across yesterday. Was not being able to leave the drivers seat in the EN57 cab, while the AI was controlling the service. Maybe ride as a passenger, but no proper passenger view. BUT you can switch off the autopilot while the train is in motion. Get out of the seat and wander down the train, while it carries on out of control. I am beginning to think the developers are just another lot of DTG clones.
  21. Why do the english tool tip descriptions keep disappearing. I have them enabled so i can hover over controls, buttons etc. But in an ET22 scenario i was trying to do earlier. The loco would not move (it was not a cold and dark start), after i tripped something. But could not reset the loco, because i had no idea which switch or button i needed to use. If you want an international player base, everything written in Polish doesn't cut it. Without reliable alternate descriptions.
      • 1
      • Confused
  22. What exactly is the paper representation of the timetable for. I cannot get it to display anything, except the front cover by clicking on it.
  23. Has the toilet door been disabled. I couldn't get it to open on the EN57, yesterday.
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