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K Kawa

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Everything posted by K Kawa

  1. Aren't you supposed to drive unders ETCS supervision? It didn't work for me. It was SHP the whole way.
  2. There are many useful keybinds wich work properly in Simrail. The default key settings the developers thought of are actually logic and simple to learn. I'm aware that there's the settings menu in which you can customise your own keybinds for a more personal experience. That's a great addition. However I find many cabin buttons and swtiches missing from the keybinds menu, such as lights (high beams, applies to Pendolino, Traxx and PESA Elf), dispatcher call button, neutral section button (only Pendolino. I know this button is not working in game but realistically you're supposed to use it when crossing a neutral section)... whenever you have to do any of those actions, you have to move the camera and click on it, which feels sluggish and IMO removes the immersion feeling. For example, when driving at night and you meet another train, you must turn off high beams in order to not blind the incoming's train driver (just like we do when driving a car),. I find myself that I very often have to manually click on the lights button which is annoying. It would be very nice to just bind a key to it, and other buttons and switches to make the driving experience more fluid. Thanks.
  3. It's very sad to see such a thing: what's supposed to be the BIG scenario for this game (from Poland's main city to the Old Capital on ED250, which is Simrail's flagship train) is completely unplayable by many bugs and incoherent information that the game tells you. From what I've read, this bugged scenario is currently under investigation in the forums. In order to avoid repetition, I'll just make some suggestions on how to improve this broken and counter-intuitive scenario, as coupling the ED250 is a new feature but we still don't have any indications about how to do so. Scenario should not spawn inside the cabin with some settings already loaded. Entering the train, activating the cabin and choosing the right settings for shunting/driving IS part of the fun. Of course add a mini tutorial for people don't want to memorise all the procedure, but please make the tutorial switchable for those like me who want a more immersive experience. Many scenarios from the actual early acces already had good tutorials, why now that the game's officially out we don't have those? Aren't we already out of the early access? Implement the corresponding shunting option that's currently unoperative in the ETCS screen Tell the player when and how to change cabins, just like the ET22 in the Cargo DLC did very well! There are a lot of cabin changes in the beggining of this scenario. Tell the player the configuration they should choose in the 2nd unit before coupling, then open hatches and proceed at 2km/h, which I believe is the right speed to do the coupling shuntings (please correct me on this one since I'm not an engineer. Indicate correct distribution of panthographs (which I believe is 1st unit front, 2nd unit rear) Fix a possible bug I noticed in which if you leave rear lights on "auto" they won't switch to rear red lights. I had to choose rear red lights manually, which on the ED250 the auto option should be enough for that. Give the player MORE TIME for shunting before the service starts! It's almost impossible to do the coupling shuntings in the spare 10 min they give you, specially without any indications! Fix the unplayable ETCS bug/issue that's going on after leaving Warsawa and before entering the high speed line. My personal experience is that I wasted barely an hour restarting the scenario until I managed to hit the correct configuration with the coupling and after I thought I was going to just play the scenario without any other issues, I got this ETCS bug which pissed me off so much that made me leave the game for today. Please. This is supposed to be the MAIN scenario between two important cities in what I think you want to be the flagship train of your game. Did you not play the scenario before releasing the game? Why am I even asking, it's clear that you did not. I had good expectations from this game after the april update in which we got ETCS and the game was looking very promising. It's so sad that the official release is being such a disaster. Simrail has so much potential that is going to waste just because of these bugs and the lack of attention and playtesting. It's sad.
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