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  1. Thanks for your answer. What is the purpose of this, as the signals are on both main tracks going thru the station? I am curious why this was constructed that way on the main tracks and not on some of the bypass ones? Is this something implemented in other stations in Poland or it`s just in the game?
  2. Hi guys, sorry if my post is not for here, but this is the best topic I have found for my question. The station is Slawkow and I cant understand one thing: as you can see on both screenshots signals E1 and H2 don't have the option to set a train route but only a shunting ones. As these semaphores are normal exit ones like the others in the station why they can`t give permission for train route but just for shunting? Is this something special for Polan, because from my research in Bulgaria we don't have such depending. I think I saw the same at Katowice Zawodzie station also - you cant send train in opposite direction on both main tracks.
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