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[Scenario] [EP08] [TLK] Szeligi shunting to W-wa Centralna

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Hello all!

It's my first post here and also first scenario ever made for Simrail.

There shouldn't be any bugs, but may be inaccuracies, such as whether you are traveling on the correct track or through which platform. I'm not a 'mikol' but slowly becoming one - so any 'formal' tips welcome!

Scenario description:

You are driving a TLK 38152/3 train between Kraków Gł. - Kolobrzeg. Due to the failure of the original locomotive - it will be replaced at the technical station in Szeligi. Your job is to perform shunting (I made a small time challenge, you must leave Szeligy on time), and get to Warsaw Central Station.


During shunting, the ability to change the camera or teleport is blocked, in addition, you have to do it in the correct cab and time is chasing you. All this together creates a small challenge from this scenario (not too difficult)

Currently implemented radio communication language is Polish, important things are displayed in English on the screen. There are no messages from the dispatcher on the chat (intentionally).

In the future, if the scenario likes it plans to implement other radio languages.


Time: 03:22
Duration: ~50 mins


Unzip 'Tuco' folder here:


I hope you will have fun!


Tuco.zipFetching info...

  • Like 14

Very nice scenario.  I finished it in 45 minutes. ^^

small sugestion:

Maybe set the train sate to shunting, so that the signaling and speeds of the HUD are correct right from the start. 
Line would look like this:

PlayerTrainset.SetState(DynamicState.dsCold, TrainsetState.tsShunting, true)

You will still have the whole starting routine.

  On 7/3/2024 at 4:58 PM, Friedjof said:

Very nice scenario.  I finished it in 45 minutes. ^^

small sugestion:

Maybe set the train sate to shunting, so that the signaling and speeds of the HUD are correct right from the start. 
Line would look like this:

PlayerTrainset.SetState(DynamicState.dsCold, TrainsetState.tsShunting, true)

You will still have the whole starting routine.


Thank you! Im happy you like it.

I prefer cold&dark and i think players like it too. Shunting route is generated after radio call so this s1 stop is not that bad, only for train start procedure.

Posted (edited)

Hi there, haven't completed the scenario, but am excited to see new ones coming. I've been playing with building one myself and learning the LUA DSL.

In early playing with it, I don't love teleport disabled by default. At least, the problem for me is you can't access the external and rear views, which I wish was separate of teleporting.  In addition, I didn't know which way to run when the scenario starts to even find the train!  (It's completely out of eye sight from the station.)

Minor note as well, but should you have to get within 50m of the first shunting stop signal (1km away from the switch) before changing cabins to reverse?  This is more a curiosity of real railroading -- would the dispatcher just instruct you to move past the switch and stop the train?

Edited by MrSkinny
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Posted (edited)
  On 7/3/2024 at 5:44 PM, MrSkinny said:

Hi there, haven't completed the scenario, but am excited to see new ones coming. I've been playing with building one myself and learning the LUA DSL.

In early playing with it, I don't love teleport disabled by default. At least, the problem for me is you can't access the external and rear views, which I wish was separate of teleporting.  In addition, I didn't know which way to run when the scenario starts to even find the train!  (It's completely out of eye sight from the station.)

Minor note as well, but should you have to get within 50m of the first shunting stop signal (1km away from the switch) and then switch cabins to reverse?  This is more a curiosity of real railroading -- would the dispatcher just instruct you to move past the switch and stop the train?


Thanks for feedback, loco is like 50m from start position 😮
Teleport and camera disabled are for „real” sim connecting to vagons (with 2 camera its like Arcade Game). About switch, game dont allow me change before coming to tm4 shiunting signal, but its not 1km, more like 500m? I expected it will be annoying with 25km/h, gonna think about it, also on radio its told to stop „just before” tm4, i will add this info also in text for non polish players.

Edited by Tuco
  On 7/3/2024 at 4:58 PM, Friedjof said:
PlayerTrainset.SetState(DynamicState.dsCold, TrainsetState.tsShunting, true)
  On 7/3/2024 at 5:12 PM, Tuco said:

I prefer cold&dark and i think players like it too. Shunting route is generated after radio call so this s1 stop is not that bad, only for train start procedure.


I have the same opinion as you.
The trainset state is not changing that. It only tells the game that this vehicle is in shunting mode. You still need cold start the whole loco, as it allready is in your scenario.

  • Like 1
  On 7/3/2024 at 9:51 PM, Friedjof said:

I have the same opinion as you.
The trainset state is not changing that. It only tells the game that this vehicle is in shunting mode. You still need cold start the whole loco, as it allready is in your scenario.


I just tested changing to `trainstate.tsShunting` and it set the train to fully started up. Not sure what it's meant to do, but doesn't seem to be what's intended.

  On 7/4/2024 at 2:46 AM, Tomasz Grykien said:
Can someone tell me where this Tem4 maneuvering semaphore is, I can't start it at all, some difficult scenario, can anyone help please?

Tm4 = tarcza manewrowa nr 4, zobaczysz ją na hudzie po minięciu semafora



  On 7/4/2024 at 2:46 AM, Tomasz Grykien said:
Can someone tell me where this Tem4 maneuvering semaphore is, I can't start it at all, some difficult scenario, can anyone help please?

Jak miniesz tarczę wyświetlającą biały sygnał jedź dalej aż do pierwszego niebieskiego sygnału, zatrzymaj się przed nim, zgłoś zew3 i zmień kabinę.

  • Like 1

What to do when u change cabins? Game its not relevant in telling u what to do...

Other than that congrats for this immersive scenario! Loved it till time expired 😐

  On 7/4/2024 at 6:11 AM, Alex said:

What to do when u change cabins? Game its not relevant in telling u what to do...

Other than that congrats for this immersive scenario! Loved it till time expired 😐


Instructions are on radio, but for english there is displayed message 'connect locomotive to vagons'

  On 7/4/2024 at 6:13 AM, Tuco said:

Instructions are on radio, but for english there is displayed message 'connect locomotive to vagons'


Is there a reason you prefer the DisplayMessage versus the DisplayChatText area? I ask because the message is fleeting and it's easy to miss instructions. The chat text remains so you can refer back to earlier radio instructions.

Also, not having a text version of all the spoken audio isn't very accessible to the hearing challenged. 🙂 

  • Like 1
  On 7/3/2024 at 11:16 PM, MrSkinny said:

I just tested changing to `trainstate.tsShunting` and it set the train to fully started up. Not sure what it's meant to do, but doesn't seem to be what's intended.


Yeah you are right. I tested it again. And same happens when I did it this time. I must have done something wrong the last time.


Już poradziłem sobie, super scenariusz najbardziej podobają mi się zapowiedzi na Warszawa Centralna. czy będą kolejne scenariusze takie z więcej postojami oraz dłuższe scenariusze?

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  • I agree 1
  On 7/5/2024 at 1:19 AM, Tomasz Grykien said:

Już poradziłem sobie, super scenariusz najbardziej podobają mi się zapowiedzi na Warszawa Centralna. czy będą kolejne scenariusze takie z więcej postojami oraz dłuższe scenariusze?


Dzięki za feedback 😎 będą scenariusze bardziej rozbudowane, ten był po naukę - teraz już mi będzie łatwiej/szybciej je robić. 

Thanks for the feedback 😎 there will be more developed scenarios, this one was for learning - now it will be easier/faster for me to do them.

  • Like 4
Posted (edited)
  On 7/3/2024 at 11:16 PM, MrSkinny said:

I just tested changing to `trainstate.tsShunting` and it set the train to fully started up. Not sure what it's meant to do, but doesn't seem to be what's intended.


In a recent post, it was clarified, that with the next patch this will be fixed. (Whenever that will happen) So in the future we will be able to spawn a cold started train in shunting state.

Edited by Friedjof
  On 7/5/2024 at 11:41 PM, Friedjof said:

In a recent post, it was clarified, that with the next patch this will be fixed. (Whenever that will happen) So in the future we will be able to spawn a cold started train in shunting state.


You can create. However, currently such a locomotive only sees semaphores at the start. He can't see the maneuvering dials. In Mr. Tuco's scenario, we're headed for Se_J, I think. So there could be a maneuvering mode here. If you had the first command, for example for Tm4, the scenario would not start. First semaphore and then the dials as normal. Yes, you can currently.

Stworzyć możesz. Tylko że obecnie taka lokomotywa widzi tylko semafory na start. Nie widzi tarcz manewrowych. W scenariuszu Pana Tuco kierujemy się na Se_J chyba. Więc tutaj może być tryb manewrowy. Jakbyś miał pierwszą komendę na przykład dla Tm4 to by scenriusz nie ruszył. Pierwszy semafor a potem już tarcze normalnie. Tak obecnie możesz. 

  • Thanks 1

Hi, awesome scenario.
Although many players from the Czech Republic speak English, I created Czech translation of the scenario. First you need to install the original .zip file in the post from the author, then the .zip below this post to get the translation. After extracting, move the folder Tuco to SimRail\SimRail_Data\StreamingAssets\Sceneries and overwrite the files.
If there are will be more scenarios in the future, I'll be happy to translate them too, you can contact me on the official Discord, I have the same nickname there.

Have fun!


Pro ty z vás, kteří neumí anglicky, jsem vytvořil český překlad tohoto scénáře. Nejprve je třeba nainstalovat originální .zip soubor scénáře ve zprávě od autora, poté .zip pod tímto příspěvkem, abyste získali český překlad. Po extrahování přesuňte složku Tuco do složky SimRail\SimRail_Data\StreamingAssets\Sceneries a soubory přepište.

Hezkou zábavu!

TUCO-cs-translation.zipFetching info...

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  • Thanks 1
  On 7/8/2024 at 5:14 PM, Maty556677 said:

Hi, awesome scenario.
Although many players from the Czech Republic speak English, I created Czech translation of the scenario. First you need to install the original .zip file in the post from the author, then the .zip below this post to get the translation. After extracting, move the folder Tuco to SimRail\SimRail_Data\StreamingAssets\Sceneries and overwrite the files.
If there are will be more scenarios in the future, I'll be happy to translate them too, you can contact me on the official Discord, I have the same nickname there.

Have fun!


Pro ty z vás, kteří neumí anglicky, jsem vytvořil český překlad tohoto scénáře. Nejprve je třeba nainstalovat originální .zip soubor scénáře ve zprávě od autora, poté .zip pod tímto příspěvkem, abyste získali český překlad. Po extrahování přesuňte složku Tuco do složky SimRail\SimRail_Data\StreamingAssets\Sceneries a soubory přepište.

Hezkou zábavu!

TUCO-cs-translation.zip 1.31 MB · 4 pobrania


Dziękujemy za kolejny scenariusz. czekam na kolejne szykuje się fajna przejażdżka Dzięki!

  On 7/9/2024 at 10:16 PM, bart_dem said:

Nie ma co poprawiać, to błąd u Ciebie.


Przecież dobrze wypakowałem zrobiłem jak tam opisane, widzę że to ten sam scenariusz tylko w innym języku kiedy kolejne scenariusze w moim jeżyku Polskim.

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