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Suspicious disconnects on DE1 Katowice/Katowice Zawodzie


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Been playing Katowice on DE1 yesterday afternoon/evening. Have been spontaneously disconnected - together with the dispatcher of Katowice Zawodzie - with "Server disconnect for unknown reason". Managed to jump into Katowice right after the first disconnect - just to be disconnected less than two minutes later again. 

Since the situation around the rail station was very quiet (1 train parking, 1 arriving) I suspect a new iteration of disconnect-bug abuse. Logs attached. From the length of the log you can see, that hours before this disconnect everything was running fine. I can also provide logs prior/after this one, if necessary.




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  • SIMRAIL Team
Thank you for reporting this issue. A similar problem has already been reported by other users.
Dziękujemy za zgłoszenie tego problemu. Podobny problem był już zgłaszany przez innych użytkowników.
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