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EU07 wiper button reacting on W press when walking through the cab.

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Like the title says. when you get up from your seat and walk through the cab with W, the wiper switch is activated. This wasn't the case in previous update's.

Tested on a PKP cargo EU07


Check your controls assignments in the controls menu, you may have W assigned to both walk forwards and wipers. and this will explain what's happening. 

You can also check your 'buttons.conf' file,  located in the:


folder,  (The %USERPROFILE% bit 'should' open the folder using your computers username, if not, replace it with what ever name you called your computer)

As i have my keybinds / button assignments different to most people, when the new keybinds for headlight dimmer and sander switches were added in the last update, they shared keybinds i was already using, so i had to change them to keys that were not assigned to other things, otherwise i got 2 functions working on the same key press. 

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