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ED250 Emergency Stop recovery

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Can anyone advise the correct sequence to be followed in order to get going again, following an emergency stop in the Pendolino? Muggins here went and hit Numpad 1 instead of Keyboard 1 to get back in the cabin. After coming to a complete halt, I tried all kinds of combinations (including a full power down / start up), but I couldn't seem to get any pressure into the brake reservoir. I'm presumably missing a critical step but am at a loss to know what it is.

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I just recreated the "Emergency Stop" by doing as you explained, 

Apologies if you've already tried this, step 3 Seems to be the crucial part)

After the train comes to a stand make sure:

1 - "Service brake" handle is in the "Running" position,

2 -  "Drive Handle" is in the 0 position (pulled all the way back towards Driver, may need to move it forwards a bit and then back and listen out for the "Click"),

3 - Click on the Round Red "Emergency brake" button below the Service brake handle ( or press Numpad 1 key ) To release the Emergency brake.


Hope this helps

Edited by Devex_TMS_UK
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  • 9 months later...
On 3/28/2023 at 7:09 PM, Devex_TMS_UK said:

I just recreated the "Emergency Stop" by doing as you explained, 

Apologies if you've already tried this, step 3 Seems to be the crucial part)

After the train comes to a stand make sure:

1 - "Service brake" handle is in the "Running" position,

2 -  "Drive Handle" is in the 0 position (pulled all the way back towards Driver, may need to move it forwards a bit and then back and listen out for the "Click"),

3 - Click on the Round Red "Emergency brake" button below the Service brake handle ( or press Numpad 1 key ) To release the Emergency brake.

Hope this helps

Unfortunately, it didn't work in my case. The brake valve is still not responding and the traction motors are not responding either. An unknown indicator also lit up for me.


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Stand up and look at the right side of your seat. There must be a yellow lever. It makes, that the brakes don't gat any air to recover.

Put the lever bat in the normal position and the symbol should go out and the brakes should fill up with air.


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7 minutes ago, SugaCane said:

Встаньте и посмотрите на правую сторону своего сиденья. Там должен быть желтый рычаг. Это означает, что тормоза не выпускают воздух для восстановления.

Установите рычаг bat в нормальное положение, и символ погаснет, а тормоза наполнятся воздухом.

Thanks! I try it next time.

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