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[PL/EN] Track speeds in SimRail | Prędkości szlakowe w SimRail

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https://webhost.simkol.pl/speeds.json (update 08.03.2023 20:25)

W tym pliku *.json znajdują się aktualne prędkości szlakowe dla wszystkich linii kolejowych znajdujących się obecnie w SimRail.
Lista NIE zawiera stałych i czasowych ograniczeń prędkości (wskaźniki W9 i W14).

Opis formatu: 
lineNo - numer linii kolejowej
axisStart - metr początkowy
axisStop - metr końcowy
vMax - prędkość maksymalna
track - numer toru (N=tor nr 1, P=tor nr 2)

This  json file contains the current track speeds for all railway lines currently available in SimRail.
The list does NOT include permanent and temporary speed limits (W9 and W14 signs).

Format description: 
lineNo - railway line number
axisStart - start point meter
axisStop - end point meter
vMax - track speed
track - track number (N=track number 1, P=track number 2)

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Thankyou so much for this, it is very useful,

Just to clarify,  temporary limits like at that bridge which has a temporary 120 Km/h limit under it (on line 1 i think, the 200 km/h line) won't be shown in this data? 

Is that because this kind of thing can change depending on the date in SimRail?   so a temporary speed limit that is present in august may not be there in october. 


I'm confused at the 'not including permanent speed limits' bit, are those temporary limits that have been made permanent?

So, a speed limit that may be shown with a W27a sign, that's a track limit and is in this data: 
And so are the speed changes that happen when you change track or go over points etc.

But permanent speed limits announced by a W8 sign, and marked by the W9 signs are not in this data?

Neither are temporary speed limits announced by a D6 sign, and marked by W14 signs?,

  • 2 weeks later...
  • SIMRAIL Team
5 godzin temu, Zapach Kreozotu napisał(a):

Looks like there are no entries for L570 between Psary and Starzyny. Can this be added, please? 🙂




Thankyou for updating the speed limit data.

Is there any way to get a json of the data about the route a service runs in SimRail?, with the standard and temporary speed limits and their kilometerage shown that apply just to that route (station stops would be the icing on the cake)
Sort of the data that's used when you actually drive the route in SimRail, that tells the sim how far your train is from the next speed change / station etc. 


Or is that kind of thing saved for the official SimRail drivers timetables?


For my e-ink kindle based timetables i've been working on, I've used a mix of your speed limit data, RWag78's data from driving the routes, DeadlyKungFu.Ninja's EDR data, and a 2020 drivers timetable from an ED250 running part of its route on line 1, 2 and 4 as in SimRail, 
I tried using a 2018 appendix 2 / temporary speed limit timetable  found by hours of googling, but it only coveres a small part of the route and is very hard to understand i found.

So i've come up with this frankenstein data set, but it's prone to errors being mostly filled in by me. 

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