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Sosnowiec Glowny no more operator actions possible


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Hi, today I played Sosnowiec Glowny at DE1 and after ca. 45min (00:50) of playing a very disgusting bug accured. I could not click anything in the signal box. Resetting position (with "1" key) did not work. Using telephone did not work, I could not click any buttons and also could not click on the screens to do some signalling. I couldn't even open the door and go outside xD

And instantly after restart at ca. 00:10 the ROJ 40696 was standing between Poludniowy and Glowny at track 1 and not like it used to be on the track from Kat. Zawodzie. What happened there?

Greetings from Leipzig,




Edited by Moooritz
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And instantly after restart at ca. 00:10 the ROJ 40696 was standing between Poludniowy and Glowny at track 1 and not like it used to be on the track from Kat. Zawodzie. What happened there?

When servers are restarted, trains will spawn on random tracks.

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