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The Sosnowiec Dandowka to Sosnowiec Poludniowy Corridor (AI Traffic Bug)


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So DE1 got jammed today at Sosnowiec Poludniowy.

No, not because of actions at SG.  That's something else.


Let me explain what you see here.  On the left: 42134 bound for Kielce on track 1, 42182 bound for Skarżysko-Kamienna (Line 8 and Line 25 intersection) on Track 2.  Beyond is the Single Track of Hell.  On the other side of the Single Track of Hell, trains are piling up.

Let me briefly explain the track layout at Dandowka.  Track 5 is Line 62.  Track 3 is, I'm told, a disused line between the stations.  Line 1 is north of Platform 2.  Line 2 is south of Platform 2 (an island platform).  Line 4 is next, and they continue in even numbers.

So Line 5 is occupied by 24927 bound for Katowice Ligota.  24131 is bound for Gliwice, and was dumped onto track 6.  Down on track 8 is 24179, bound for Gliwice   These last two both came from Kielce.

Nobody is moving.


You cannot blame this on players.  This is entirely the AI being as intelligent as the developers.  You cannot blame the SG dispatcher for both lines being blocked at Sosnowiec Poludniowy.  He can't dispatch those.


So hey - maybe some of us know what the hell we're talking about.  Maybe we can help solve bugs with stations under development if you ask us nicely.


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As an update, one of the trains at SP got some movement.  However, it seems to have hit a wall again.  Cheers to Jesitim, a playtest player, for trying.


Also, 24929 has joined the mosh pit on Track 1 at SD:


The only clear route for 42134 (Jesitim) right now is Track 2.  And I don't know if it's signalled in that direction or not.  I would assume so because right lane running, and it CAN get back to 62, but maybe it's designated as a wrong direction...

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42134 has taken out 24927 and both are in train heav-...I mean the scrapyard.

Meanwhile, 42136 has departed Katowice bound for Kielce.  It won't get far.


42184 is also ahead of it en route to SG, bound for Skarżysko-Kamienna.

A few minutes later, freight stops too.


At the same time, SG - blissfully unaware of ANY of this because it's a different radio channel- sends 42184 down into the mess:


I'd tell him to hike down the track and take a look, but his Tracks 1 and 2 are currently flowing perfectly fine.  He has to stay at his post.

Another few minutes later, we have a worldwide first.  42136 is admitted to Line 660, and SG only now is about to learn of the problems going on at Dandowka.


We have achieved total gridlock with three trains at SP all going east.  And the SG dispatcher is NOT at fault.  Freight traffic still seems to be taking the 171, but passenger traffic can't do a damn thing now.  I'm going to further my suggestion post from yesterday and say we need access to both Sosnowiec Poludniowy and Sosnowiec Dandowka immediately.


Edited by Cyclone
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Zamu on the Discord server has been documenting train movements since the start of the playtest.  He has generated the attached image for what happened in DE1 during this session.



This comes before I started reporting.  I see two trains got moved into SG very close to each other.  As a result, SP sent them to both tracks like with the problem coming the other way.  This caused SD to not send traffic.  It's very clear the problem is that SP AI needs full access to how the line from SD is handled at all times, and once the line is clear needs to flip the line again immediately - even without a train - to ensure that he can control the movement of trains from Line 1 Track 2.  I don't think even my proposal to only use one platform each way at SP will mean anything in this very extreme situation - and I stress, this is an extreme situation, but it clearly can happen that two trains are sent close, Line 660 remains blocked, and SG has his hands tied.

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Also, a live shot of EN8.


It seems the single track is indeed the problem here and requires a hotfix.  SP dispatching is also indirectly related, and is the same issue reported coming from the east going west as well.  Separating the tracks so each is one directional for AI use is the best policy, I believe.  This way, SG sees a train not cleared and tells KZ not to send trains for that line, but a KZ AI will just automatically send on Track 2 without thinking and block that up too!

I suggest a KZ AI dispatcher should ask SG if Line 660 is clear.  If so, it sends a 42xxx train.  If not, it holds it and sends something else instead.  This would work with my suggestions in another thread.

Edited by Cyclone
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