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Tunel - train too long


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A reason why traffic gets stuck at Kozlow and Tunel might be the AI dispatcher at Tunel sending long freight trains (421xxx) into a passing loop on track 4 to let pendolino 31xx from Miechow pass on track 2. Problem is, however, that track at Tunel are rather short and the freight train can then block the points after stopping at the signal and no train can pass. (pics 1&2)

Two trains were waiting at the entrance signals 30 mins after the scheduled departure of the freight.

I tried to unstuck the traffic by reversing (which took me towards Miechow on track 1), I reached the end of the map but then the train respawned. What is worse, it was now bugged with the loco having passed the signal to the stub track and the rest of the train on track 1, separated. The trains waiting for the track 2 to be clear passed and I logged in one of them.

After ca. 30 mins I noticed that the freight train is still at Tunel and logged in it again. It was thrusting back and forth diabollicaly with AI control on, so on the first attempt it derailed. It respawned the same way though. After taking over it, I managed to get it reversing (on both tracks simultaneously) but then the server restarted so I didn't get to know what would happen at the switches. (pics 3&4)

Happened 21. 1. on CZ1 at cca 18:20.

I would suggest restricting the usage of track 4 for the AI as it makes no sense to use it for any train that is scheduled there at the moment. Also maybe respawning trains should be a little more restricted? Later, the check of track length available and the train length should be implemented.

Thank you!

Pics 1&2




Pics 3&4






Edited by jiklobka
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