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[EN] Signaller live status


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We all know the problem. You want to play Signaller, but every server is full. So i created a Live Signallerbox status programm!

Its a simple programm that checks, is the Signaller box available or not. The programm is open scoure. So you can add your own servers. Just look on the github link below!
The script is made in python.

How to use
1. Download the zip file
2. Extract the zip file
3. Link the "Live Status.exe" to desktop
4. Run the linked .exe
5. You can minimize the command box

Python is required! If you don't have python download it here: https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/


If you have any questions or need help, message me on Discord: DefinitelyNotBratan#0081









Virustoal: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/0dd254b9db6c6d0cf430f3f87b2455e3fd9a3c11c6bed30f77e55912f39ecd9f?nocache=1
Github: https://github.com/whoamiflip/simrail-livestatus
Github (source code): https://github.com/whoamiflip/simrail-livestatus/blob/main/Livestatus.py
Download: https://github.com/whoamiflip/simrail-livestatus/releases/tag/download1.1

Edited by Smiley
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Tool updated to version 1.1


- bugfixes
- easier to customize your own servers, just edit the config.txt

Thanks @Zapfenstreich

Edited by Smiley
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