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Dispatcher external camera view

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In dispatcher mode, it would be nice if i could watch the traffic from the external camera view with a fixed or free camera (or both).

There are stations where I can't see out of the window because the equipment is obstructing it, or the windows are "under" the tracks


Edited by nortsen
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It's also unrealistic to able to jump between cameras when you're supposed to be IN THE CAB driving the train. Let alone orbit the train while driving, pure madness and denial of the existence of physics !

However, I do think dispatchers deserve to have equal camera possibilities to what a driver has now. But keep in mind, it will be a substantial workload for the SimRail team to place these cameras out for each station, which makes me think there's a slim chance for this to happen. Still a chance tough 😉

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Having an external camera would help a bunch for getting to know the layout of the station and having better situational awareness. Fixed camera locations would be neat but I think it would be easier for the devs to implement a 'drone' camera to just fly around the scenery close to the signal box.

"But muh realism!" ok to all you Mr. Realisms out there, if you don't want to have an external camera, let me tell you a little secret. You can ignore the existence of external cameras and just choose to use internal ones! Crazy, right? Who knew free will could be so powerful!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also think an orbit camera would be a great addition. It would allow us to see view the whole station, the locations of switches, or just watch trains entering and leaving. Although you could go outside for this, it may not be practical in busy stations.
It would also be nice if there was an orbit-camera for the train driver. In TSW, I enjoyed flying ahead and seeing my own train pass.

I don't quite understand why there are people against this feature. It would just be an addition, you don't have to use it.

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