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Option to spawn as guest on multiplayer servers

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Something I think it could be fun is to be able to spawn in the multiplayer sessions as "guests" to just watch the trains go by and possibly also boarding them. Also maybe to allow people to travel in the loco cab ( if the train driver accepts the request! ) on the side seat.

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In a sense, would it be an interesting feature. Yes! Would it something I would prioritize over what's currently planned. No.
It is already possible to get out of your cab and explore the stations a bit. And I would love to see that you could do a bit more, but on the train.
I.e. things that could go wrong like a door that needs resetting or something similar.

But there is little point in joining as guest on a train, as the 2nd person would have little to do. Where I could see this more would be in the dispatching stations, where it would actually make sense to have multiple people running a large station. Especially if there is a lot of traffic when 10 trains are late and enter your station..... there is no 2nd person to handle communcations.

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I agree! It's a core feature in games like TSW or even SCR. And I'd think it would be something easy to add as they already let you walk freely. Also, why would you want station announcements if you can't hear most of them? Being a passenger is the best way to take advantage of announcements and display boards, features which are already being implemented, so ... why not add a passenger mode?

Edited by DC2202
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It is yet another facet of the MP. Worth exploring.

Why not?

why not have 'real' passengers? And have 'real' train spotters? why not create a point system to have all those facets into account? why not create a kind of roleplay?

what would be next? maintenence teams for trains? after introducing random malfunctions???


Edited by Aldarion
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45 minutes ago, Záhorácká said:

If they add this.. guarantee no players will be using it after while. But if they add that good for you, im for everything that will please fanbase. But im worried they will create something that no one will be using and they just waste energy.

In this case, it's wrong to generalize. Just because you see no use to it, doesn't mean it's the same to other players. I also play TSW, and sometimes I just get on a AI train and do nothing except appreciating the scenery. Even in SCR (roblox) which is a totally different game, arcade game, still has a very good system implemented and there are lots of players as passengers.

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Considering this idea has come up more than once, there is certainly some interest in it. I'm all for the idea-SimRail already supports walking around, after all. I could understand the arguments against adding walking to a sim with no concept of first person (like MSTS), but that's not the case here, so it's a pretty low-risk feature.

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It would be nice to pick up another job without leaving the server.
Take on the job and go to the starting point like in Derail Valley. You can even perform a complex operation.

This is also a walking mode


Edited by nortsen
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why must SimRail copy the train driving 'games' all the time?

This is something new and exciting, a multiplayer real time train driving and dispatching 'Simulator'
Starting off based on the Polish railway system, based on the simulator used to train real drivers....

and people keep going on about 'tsw does it like this'  'derail valley does that'   'run8 has this feature' so i want you to turn SimRail into a clone of these other games.

Why can't we have one train based game/simulator that's at the more serious end of the spectrum, where it's simulating the real life of the train driver and dispatcher... yes i know we can't flip between outside and floating views in real life and teleport to the cab / signal box from 200 meters away, but pretty much the rest of SimRail goes a long way towards making you feel you are at the controls of a real train, or dispatching real trains in your area.

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This is a suggestion forum Gazz, train enthusiasts putting ideas out there.

I don't believe for a minute that SimKol are bereft of work and happy with their sim as is, in early access, so look here for inspiration.

Rather, all these collective ideas are probably put in the "nice to have" folder and forgotten about until the base sim is as they'd like. 

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I think using others such as TSW (which I don't like much about other than scenery), Run8 (Which I like everythign but lack of content and editor, and others is good to refrence something that might be nice to see or not see in another simulator.  I can tell you right now I had my own idea for a tower sim over a year ago and it was working the towers in SimRail that finally pushed me into doing somethig for North America based freight railroading.  That to me is a positive for SimRail because it inspired.  I have no intentions on being a SimRail clone.  Nor do I think SimRail should be a clone of anything else.  Besides this team has a clear direction and goal they are heading for.  A few people asking for certain features here and there along the way provided it doesn't take away their focus is only going to try and make more customers.  As long as they keep their focus and drive and are happy about bringing their creations to life.



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We can already hop in and control the train from a cab ride functionality.  That's IMO all we should need if we let the AI drive our train.  That said, I wish you could spawn in and wander around to some extent, I will give that.  That said, it can bog down a multiplayer server.

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I would like to be able to drive with another, play with another player. Not just beside others.😅
Isn't the whole point of multiplayer to be able to play with each other? A feature like being able to drive with friends in the same loco would add some value. If you don't want to drive with others, that's still valid. A feature like this does not take anything away, does it?
For reality thoughts, in the real world, there are trains where more than one person sits inside the cabin. Every training is like that, isn't it? So for reality thoughts, it would add value, not take value. With this feature, you could make training seasons, for example. Or on long journeys, what about driver switches without the need to disconnect 😉

just my 2 cent 😊

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Run8 is really good at that and so will Railroader when it released soon.  I don't necessarily think MP is ust for friends to play together but to have bodies that manage various aspects of an experience.

The big strength for Europe vs North America is signal boxes are still very commong where as North America everything is done by central dispatchers now.  Having a network of signal boxes to me is the strength of SimRail and you can be friendly with strangers and people you see online from time to time.  I don't think this is going to be much of a co-op type environment.  Besides there is not much else the 2nd player can do on a train as they are there for mainly safety and to assist in communications and paperwork.



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These topic should be merged with these two ones



In Short, Multiplayer can be completed with coop and passenger mode. Passenger mode is perhaps the quickest to implement but would probably not be used so much.

On the other hand, coop mode like one driver and one train manager handling passengers and verifying tickets would be nice but than it is quite a new game to implement and this might be time consuming for the devs.

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I think this would be quite useful to look around and understand how the tracks all worked around a particular signal box.  I'd like to spawn into a dispatcher box *without being the dispatcher*, then walk outside so I can get a good look at all the trackwork to understand how it relates to the diagram.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/22/2023 at 12:14 AM, Deadlost said:

I support the guest in the cab idea. Introduced a friend to simrail and told him the basics through discord stream, joining him in the cab on his first run would be mighty cool. 

Not only that but it could be a totally new way of tutoring around... since a more experienced player could help you on, say, reseting the motors of the EU07 after that extra notch that jumped over 700 Amp...

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