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Please add absolute Route Kilometers to the timetable

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Please add the absolute Route Kilometers of the Stops / Checkpoints to the Timetable.

If I turn of the right information panels for more realistic gameplay, I don't know the distance to the next stop.

The only thing I can do is calculating the distance with the Arrival-Time. But this is hard to calculate with delays / prematureness.


Edited by KI-Natas
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yes this would be nice to have,

maybe have an option to display the 'distance to next stop' info on the live timetable panel too??  so that if we can't read the hectometer boards as they are passing us by at speed, we will still know that 'the next stop is in xx km'


Even nicer if we could 'pop' the timetable panel out and move it to a different place on the screen, or to a second monitor, or send it's info to a phone / tablet, and keep the main screen clear with the view out the windscreen.

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