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Seperate keybinds / control asignments for each loco / train


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One of the problems that tsw suffers from is having one global set of controls that is supposed to cover every train,
the railworks / tsc that came previous to that did have a separate set of controls that could be changed for every different train (by editing the control file for each train)

Of course the main basic controls can be shared between all trains, the keys / joystick controls for power, brakes, doors, main lights etc,

But as more and more trains are added, especially from different countries, we are going to end up with either a massive long list of every control like it was in omsi, and having to spend ages searching that list for the control that's applicable to the train you are currently setting up to work with your keyboard or controller,

Or we will have a limited list of only the main controls operable via keybinding / joystick buttons, and the others have to be operated by mouse (like it is now, with no key bind for the wipers, washers or the motor overload reset button in the EU07, i.e controls that are used fairly often and would be nice to have a key to press to operate them)


Not sure if this is planned for the release version, or when joystick control is added?


Also, have a FOV that's adjustable per train, as i like to have it set for 55 for the EU07, as it allows me to see the gauges better, and all the controls are still visible, but it's a bit too close for the EN96 / ELF, so i'd need to keep resetting it manually each time i drive a different train.

Edited by Gazz292
add bit about FOV
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