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Keybinds to jump to notch 0, 28 & 43 (like TD2) for the EU/EP07


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It takes a while to notch up and down the tapchanger. It would be helpful if we had a TD2 kind of keybind to jump to and from notch 0, 28 and max

Eg. Shift+Keypad- and Shift+Keypad +

Edited by wumpty73
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Also a keybind would really helpful for locomotive brake-release as well, thanks! (and after the lights... 😉 ) And engine brake apply-release key (Numpad 2 and 8 ) seems not working unless you move handle to at least 1% position by mouse...

Edited by bela
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  • SIMRAIL Team

Fast move+Power inc sets up to first not-restistant (28) Fast move+Power dec sets to 0. Everything was set up but for some reason got disabled. By default Fast move is on left shift so a bit far from numkeys.

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