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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Honestly it's very frustrating since you've spend more than 3 hours and then you just aren't able to finish the scenerio. I'm disapointed 😔
  2. Hello! As shown on the video when I'm passing through the semaphore I receive a penalty brake by the ETCS level 1. Why that happens all the time I don't know. Please help with it, because this annoying. SimRail 2025-02-13 22-52-29.mp4
  3. Hi! How do you you seat in the driver sit: I mean by pressing 1 or procceding to a cab as in reality? I ask because I see the problem when you're teleporting by pressing 1 to cab and you're not able to receive an entry signal in scenario "Katowice - Sediszow" (loco: Ty2)
  4. Hello! 1. Loco: ED250 / track: Experimental track 2. The location where problem persists is recorded on the video 3. Logs: SimRail_log_2025-02-13_22-35-11.txt 4. Mission data: 000000.zip ETCS level 1 is not working proper. Each time I'm trying to pass the semaphore shown on the video I receive penalty brake by the system. But as I know and how it was before the currently patch I would receive, after rolling over a balise, graph with further information about next semaphore and route, but I didn't. Also, Mission ends with failure, so there is no possibilities to complete the tutorial. SimRail 2025-02-13 22-52-29.mp4 P.S. such as behavior persists on "EIP Warsaw - Krakow" scenario in the location where I must proceed the extinguished semaphore according to written order. When you try to pass an exit semaphore under "EoA" option, train receives penalty brake by the system.
  5. Hello! Locomotive Dragon (ET25), station Krakow Glowny KGA, track 110. Location: S: tunel_krakow_terrain_x107_z-35, P: (55199.40, 222.57, -17855.47), R: (17.24, 303.60, 0.00) Logs: SimRail_log_2025-01-21_12-53-33.txt Mission data: 000000.rar In this scenario there is no possibilities to attach to wagons since a dummy dispatcher can't make a route to them. After passing semaphore L, shunting signal tm 229 is always closed. Screens: So, there is no further ability to complete this scenario.
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