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E. Alderson

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  1. Yes! That is what happened. Thanks for going over it, because I thought I went too fast but wasn't entirely sure. Thanks for the post and the tips!
  2. I was able to complete the scenario. I did the override, but it still triggered for some reason. But I was able to clear it and proceed. I actually got the "On Time" achievement!
  3. Thank you for clearing that up. Thanks so much GoppelPL!
  4. I started doing the ETCS training scenario level 2, but it seems exactly the same as level 1... I think I see what you mean. Activate Override EOA.
  5. ETCS was active. I'm not familiar with SPH, do you mean SHP? SHP triggers I believe after passing the signal. Not familiar with ERMTS. I completed ETCS training scenario level 1. I now see there is ETCS training scenario level 2, I have not completed. I'm guessing that would cover this scenario I am failing at.
  6. Hello. I am trying to complete EIP Katowice Warszawa, but am unsuccessful. I get to the point where I stop at a red light. I radio dispatch, and they say I am to use track 2. They say something like "continue on to subsidiary track due to malfunction." The light changes from red to red and flashing grey. I watched someone else complete it on YT, and at that point they just continue driving forward past the signal. When I try to do that, an emergency system engages the brakes. I think I am missing something, or not understanding something. What exactly should I do at this point when the light changes to red and flashing grey? Thanks for your assistance.
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