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SimRail Early Access


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  1. As part of the CodeWeavers team, I'd suggest opening a ticket on our website, so it will end up in our bug tracker: https://www.codeweavers.com/contact-us#support
  2. This W6b isn't checked when passing by, meaning you won't get any points for sounding the horn or won't gent any penalty for not sounding it, either.
  3. Just drove the 5413 from Warszawa Wschodnia to Katowice without unlocking the achievement.SimRail_log_2024-12-26_17-06-00.txt
  4. The text "Wejście w tryb PEŁEN NADZÓR" is the same in every language in the ETCS DMI, however it should be "Entry in FS" in English or "Aufnahme in FS" in German. Likewise for other languages.
  5. We have some "bUT ThiS is A gERman SErvER" people as well, but in general talking/writing in English is accepted. Just keep in mind that Events (closing tracks, etc. aren't allowed at all)
  6. Changed a little bit about the rendering. Everything should look a little sharper now. If you find any issues let me know. Edit: Okay, this still has issues on higher resolution monitors and on phones. 😐
  7. Until Angelo finds the time to update SRTD on his page, I uploaded my updated version to: https://besentv.github.io/
  8. Really dense, but I hope that suffices.
  9. First draft, don't feel well with it yet, though.
  10. Sure, no problem. 🙂 I planned to do this as well, but wasn't sure where to squeeze it in, yet. 😅
  11. I added the Przemiarki - Kozioł area (Below Łazy C): https://gist.github.com/besentv/3b76bf69c06a71dd2d8c90164f39afdc
  12. Was about to suggest the same thing, should also be pretty straightforward to add.
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