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  1. On entering Łazy B from A, there are two signals, Q123 (LB_Q123) and Q125 (LB_Q125), which both have maneuver routes in the LUA development window. Attempting to set any of these routes always results in a VD error. The train routes work as expected. (Q125 example, where Tm322 is directly infront of it, with no switches in the middle) Route setting start at [2024-08-31 13:31:18] in the log file. SimRail_log_2024-08-31_13-28-21.txt
  2. Thank you @Moooritz. I hope these get fixed sometime.
  3. Hi Simrail community, I've been working on a shunting scenario at Łazy and am having issues with setting some signals. One such signal is Q125 (LB_Q125, coming into B from A). I want to set a maneuver from it to Tm322 (LB_Tm322). The route shows up in the LUA developer window but trying to enable it always causes a VD error. I have tried this on an empty scenario and there are no switches between the two signals. Is there any way to get this route to work? The second case is at Tm39 (LA_Tm39, same track as before but further back). The LUA developer UI shows no routes from this signal. I tried LA_Tm39 -> t27867kps, which is where the other signals on that line to Łazy B go, but this also errored. Is there any way to set a route from this signal? Does anyone know if it is expected to work in the future? Thank you in advance for any help!
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