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SimRail Early Access


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  1. Due to various reasons, I often find myself exiting the game before I finish a train route. Sometimes I need to "combat log" because the game or my PC is frozen, and other times I leave through the ESC menu. I was wondering how the XP system works with exiting, since I technically did run a train I just didn't see the end card, so it is hard to tell if I am still getting the XP reflective of my actual experience.
  2. Confirmed this also happens in driver mode. A couple times now I've crashed out or my PC froze while I was playing.
  3. Experiencing a bad memory leak that eats all my RAM in a few hours when playing multiplayer. It was particularly bad at Tunel, which has a very active level crossing, so I suspect the cars (among other things) are not being unloaded properly. However, it happens at any station, on both servers I played on (EN1, EN3). For the logs attached I was playing at Katowice Zawodzie on EN1 at around 2:55 AM PST July 29, 2024. After 22 minutes, RAM usage had increased to 10GiB. SimRail_log_2024-06-29_10-49-47.txt
  4. Realistically, yes Zawierce has enough sidings that Gora Wldowska should only be used to hold the occasional freight, and therefore never have two held trains in either direction. I have, however, switched from other posts to Gora Wldowska and forgotten its strange single crossover. My first time in the post I routed a train there. Fortunately, I was able to cancel the signal, but I spoke to Zawierche and they said using track 2 would cause too many problems. Regardless, thanks all, if I ever bugger up badly enough to need to do shunting I now know how
  5. Thanks for the reply. So then, as dispatch there isn't a specific procedure, just knowing that the train is backing up is enough? I.e. how would I clear a train on track 4 (stopped at L) to back up onto track 1?
  6. So I bought this game recently and have been dispatching on lower-level boxes. In particular, I find myself drawn to Gora Wlodowska, a box with two sidings and no main platform, since I like having some control but not too much. Now, this box in particular has an odd setup. Namely, trains coming in on line 2 can cross over to the top siding and stop at semaphore E, and return to line 2 without a problem. But coming from line 1, there isn't a way to get to semaphore L back onto line 1... Without reversing. Which is where the question comes in. I've found only a couple threads talking about it, some of which say that reversing will get you automatically kicked, while others implying dispatch can clear a train to reverse. So I ask here what the up-to date procedure is for the dispatcher (or is it even possible). Image of the sidings attached for reference
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